Help Please A description that appeals to any of the five senses is called A)Onomatopoeia B)Alliteration C)Simile D)Imagery


Answer 1
Answer: Onomatopoeia is the named of the sound. Ex: bang, crash, cuckoo, tick tok,..
Alliteration is repetition of beginning consonant letter: Ex: Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers, She sells seashells down by the seashore.
Simile is a comparison of 2 things using like or as: Ex: She is busy as a bee, He is quiet as a mouse
Imagery is a
 description that appeals to any of the five senses: Ex: On a starry winter night in Portugal (sorry that I don't have any examples so this example is from
So the answer is D. Imagery
Answer 2

Answer: D is the answer

Explanation: Imagery has to do with your eyes. Your eyes are one of the five senses. Hope this helped!!

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Base on the line from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the definition of endured is most likely suited for the line is in letter B. 15th Century. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more if you have a question and further clarification about the said question. 

20th Century: Provided

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Another,compromising your viewpoint attitudes and behavior will be ineffective when dealing


Compromising your viewpoints and behavior is bad generally: it will in the end only lead to frustration and will be a hindrance in achieving one's goals.
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