In Vista and Windows 7, the option that allows you to view the type and size of your file is the _______ option. A. Details B. Organize C. Type D. Small Icons


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is variant A. Details.
Answer 2
Answer: the answer here is A.DETAILS

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Answer: 1.Illegal Gambling. The Internet Skill Game Licensing and Control Act was introduced in Congress in 2008.

2. A computer virus is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code.

3.Malicious online ads, also known as Malvertising, is just another way your computer can get a virus without any realization or traceable evidence.

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Which is the most recent version of Microsoft Windows?A. windows 8

b.Windows longhorn

c. windows NT

d. Windows Service Pack 2


windows 8 Is the most recent
Well, because you didn't say the most recent of the four, the actual answer is Windows 10. And by the way, Longhorn was a code name for a major wave of technology and platform software from Microsoft.

Literally not even a true question, I just want to knowHow many people here are from K12 online school?


I’m here because of k12
I’m here because I’m trying to help answer people haha

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so they can learn how do they jobs


Hello,I have to build a program using assembly with Mars system.

The program is supposed to return a hailstone Sequence

A)- get user input (integer) - N

B) check if even or odd

- if the input is even, the next number should N/2

- if the user's input (N*3)+1

C) reproduce the operation on the next number until the number is equal to 1

D) display the sequence

E) count and display the number of iterartion

I have the user input done, and then, I tried to do a bitwise operation using AND to see if the number is even or not but the program doesn't work after the user's input, as i have an output equal to zero

can you help me please?

here is my code so far


prompt: .asciiz "enter an integer:"
message1: .asciiz "you entered an even number"
message2: .asciiz "you entered an odd number"
message3: .asciiz "and the next numbers should be:"
gototheline: .asciiz "\n"
message4: .asciiz "you just entered the number:"


#print the prompt
li $v0,4
la $a0,prompt

#get the user's input
li $v0,5

#store the input'svalue
move $t3, $v0

#display the user's input message
li $v0,4
la $a0,message4

#go to the line
li $v0,4
la $a0,gototheline

#print value entered by user
li $v0,1
move $a0, $t3

#go to the line
li $v0,4
la $a0,gototheline

#bitwise operation on the input
and $a0,$0,1

#call odd function if number is odd
beq $a0,1,ifodd

#print next number message
li $v0, 4

#go to the line
li $v0,4
la $a0,gototheline

#print result
li $v0,1
addi $a0,$v1,0

li $v0,10

#print message if even
la $a1,message1

#call the function operation even to do math on the number entered by user
jal operationeven

#print message if odd
la $a2,message2

#call method to do math on the number entered by user
jal operationodd

#if even N/2
div $v1,$t3,2 # return value on $v1

jr $ra #go back to the main


#multiply by 3
mul $t1,$t3,3

#add 1 to the result of the multiplication
add $v1, $t1,1 #return value on $v1

jr $ra #go back to the main


I think you should get used input

Adam has to write a paper where the margins need to be set to these measurements:Left: 1.5"
Right: 4"
Bottom: 1"
Top: 1"
How could he go about setting these measurements up?
Launch the Page Setup dialog box from the Page Setup group; in the Margins section, enter the page margin values and click OK.
Click on the Margins button in the Page Setup group; select a preset margin option that matches the margin values.
Launch the Page Setup dialog box from the Page Setup group; in the Paper size section, enter the page margin values and click OK.
None of the above options are correct.


Click on the Margins button in the Page Setup group; select a preset margin option that matches the margin values.

What are measurements?

Any given object's length, mass, capacity (volume), and temperature can all be measured.

The act or system of measuring is referred to as measurement. It can be viewed as a procedure for utilizing numbers to define physical objects. "This rod is bigger than that rod," for instance.

Since we don't know anything about the specific characteristics of the provided rods, this statement only serves a very narrow function of comparison. However, if we claim that the first rod is 20 inches long and the second is 15 inches, the first rod will be 5 inches longer than the second.

Therefore, Click on the Margins button in the Page Setup group; select a preset margin option that matches the margin values.

To learn more about Measurements, refer to the link:



It's B
