Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. Our car is old but it still runs better than some newer modles . B. Our car is old; but its still runs better than some newer models. C. Our car is old, but it still runs better than some newer models. D. Our car is old, it still runs better than some newer models I believe its between B & C


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is C. Our car is old, but it still runs better than some newer models. When you introduce the word "but" to a sentence, it should normally follow a comma in order to show that you are attaching additional information to the clause.
Answer 2
Answer: c Our car is old, but it still runs better than some newer models. is correctly punctuated

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I believe that it is an internal rhyme. 

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The correct answer is A. I have read that book – the first in the series – at least five times.


Em dash (–) is a punctuation mark whose main function is to replace other punctuation marks such as commas (,), parentheses () or colons (;). In the case of replacing parentheses or commas, the em dash is used to add extra information or create a strong break to introduce information that is connected to the main sentence but only clarifies the information. For doing this the Em dash should be placed before and after the extra information, in the case of  "I have read that book – the first in the series – at least five times" the main sentence is "I have read that book at least five times" and "the first in the series" is just extra information that clarifies which book is this person referring to, considering this, it is grammatically correct to use the em dash to add this information and place and em dash before and after the extra information.

The correct answer is the first one, because that is the only option where the em dash is correctly used. I have read that book - the first in the series - at least five times.

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Since 'altruism' means 'feelings and behavior that show a desire to help other people and a lack of selfishness', and this word 'altruistic' ends with -ic, we can assume, based on its structure, that this is an adjective that is used to describe a person who behaves in such a way. 

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B. In southern California, temperatures are generally mild and rainfall is low.
C. Record-breaking low temperatures caused a sudden freeze one day in Des Moines.
D. A week of rain caused widespread flooding in Seattle.


B. In southern California, temperatures are generally mild and rainfall is low. 
This is because this is related to the weather, regarding climate.
Final answer: B
the answer its going to be b