Select all that apply. 1. (4 pt) Choose each answer if it correctly describes a job Truman had before he became president. A. army officer in World War I B. high school principal C. farmer D. shopkeeper


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answers are A: we was an army officer in France, C farmer, D a shop owner so A,C,D. However, he was not a high school principal so B is false.
Answer 2

The answer isA, C, and D

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What is the best definition of the term “cottage industry”? a group of cottages that serves as a factory a group or community that starts an industry together people who leave their homes to work for industries people who produce goods out of their homes



Option D.


people who produce goods out of their homes, is the right answer.

The small-scale decentralized production house usually run by a home rather than a factory means, is known as a cottage industry.

In simple terms, a cottage industry is an industry which is primarily based on the production of goods and which includes people working from their homes and not from a factory. This term in a more general sense is used to describe those people who are engaged in part-time jobs such as lace-making, sewing, household manufacturing and electronics etc.

A cottage industry is a small-scale, manufacturing industry based out of a home alternately to building factories.  

Further Explanation

Cottage industries are characterized by the expense of financing compelled to commence, as well as the number of people contracted. They often concentrate on the composition of labor-intensive commodities but encounter an important limitation when struggling with factory-based corporations in comparison to the mass-produced goods.

The initial cottage enterprises were production units in England and the United States which were involved in subcontracted manufacturing of garment or textiles and meager metal automaton parts. Cottage products have been manufactured with the assistance of family members contracted in manufacturing finished goods by appropriating raw materials provided by Merchants. Many contemporaneous enterprises that currently function in industries were once cottage industries before the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Cottage Industries suffered the major losses after the Industrial revolution which basically shifted manual production to machinery production. Moreover, manually produced products were much expensive than factory products.

Learn more:

1. Explain how cultural interactions between colonizing groups

2. Why did Europeans ship goods to Africa during triangular trade?

Answer details

Grade; Middle School

Subject; History

Topic; Cottage Industry


Cottage, Industry, goods, factory, houses, United States, industrialization, garment, textile, material, revolution, manufacturers, family.

Raising chickens at home is not a good idea.Now consider how someone might argue against this. Which sentence presents a counterclaim to the above claim?
1.Hens can begin laying eggs at four months old.
2.When you have your own chickens, you have access to fresh eggs for free.
3.Chickens can be a nuisance because they are loud and smelly.



I say t it is C or #3.


FUN FACT: Chickens in your home can caus certain diseases that are very dangerous and that ou could die from.

God bless you.Have a great rest of your day!

Why do people migrate? Compare those who migrated during the period from 1750 to 1914 with those who migrate today. How are their reasons similar? How are their reasons different?


Similar Reason: They were looking for a better way of living.
Different Reason: Back in the day it wasn't optional, but now they have an option on what they want to do.


People migrate because they needed food. They also migrated because of other settlers attempting to take their land, so instead of endangering themselves, they moved.


Short Response: Explain in detail, using a minimum of three to five sentences: (A) What were Alexander Hamilton’s views regarding the idea of a strong central government? (B) What were Thomas Jefferson’s views on the idea of a strong central government?



so here is answer


(A) Alexander Hamilton's Views on a Strong Central Government:

Alexander Hamilton was a staunch advocate for a strong central government. He believed in a powerful federal government as the key to establishing a stable and prosperous nation. Hamilton's views were influenced by his experiences during the American Revolution and his observations of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. He argued for a strong executive branch, a national bank, and a robust financial system. Hamilton believed that a strong federal government was necessary to maintain order, secure the nation's credit, and promote economic development. His vision included a broad interpretation of the Constitution's implied powers, which would allow the federal government to take on various responsibilities beyond those explicitly mentioned in the document.

(B) Thomas Jefferson's Views on a Strong Central Government:

Thomas Jefferson held a contrasting view on the role of the federal government. He was a proponent of limited government and believed that power should primarily reside with the states and individual citizens. Jefferson was concerned that a strong central government could potentially infringe upon individual liberties. He favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution, believing that the federal government should only exercise powers explicitly granted by the Constitution. Jefferson was skeptical of institutions like a national bank and a standing army, fearing they could concentrate too much power in the hands of the federal government. He championed agrarianism and the idea of an agrarian republic where individual farmers had a prominent role, emphasizing local governance and states' rights as a means to protect individual freedoms.

In summary, Alexander Hamilton advocated for a strong federal government with broad powers to ensure economic stability and order, while Thomas Jefferson favored a limited central government with power decentralized to the states and individuals to safeguard individual liberties and prevent potential tyranny. These differing views played a significant role in shaping early American political debates and contributed to the development of the two-party system.

Senator Huey Long, Dr. Francis Townsend, andFather Charles Coughlin are best known as
(1) members of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
(2) outspoken critics of President Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s New Deal
(3) supporters of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
reelection campaign in 1940
(4) members of the Supreme Court nominated
by President Franklin D. Roosevelt


Senator Huey Long, Dr. Francis Townsend, and Father Charles Coughlin are best known as "(2) outspoken critics of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal"

Senator Huey Long, Dr. Francis Townsend, and  Father Charles Coughlin are best known as outspoken critics of President Franklin D.  Roosevelt’s New Deal. Option 2 is correct.

Roosevelt's Critics. Father Charles Coughlin's fiery radio broadcasts reached roughly 40,000,000 listeners and attempted to sway popular opinion away from Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal policies.

His goals were ambitious and extensive, and while he had several supporters, his enemies were legion.