Supporters of the atomic bomb argued against the idea that the US should not use the bomb against Japan by.... A) suggesting the destruction would not be any greater than at Pearl Harbor. B) noting the bomb would mainly destroy buildings rather than kill people C) suggesting the bomb would only be used on important military targets. D) noting that firebombing had already caused extensive damage in Japan.


Answer 1

Answer: D) noting that firebombing had already caused extensive damage in Japan.

Close to the end of World War II, the United States detonated two nuclear weapons over Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945), two Japanese cities. The United States dropped the bombs after obtaining the consent of the United Kingdom. The two bombings killed 129,000-226,000 people, mostly civilians.

Before the atomic bombs, the allies had already conducted many air raids on Japan. Strategic bombing raids began in June 1944 and continued until the end of the war. These attacks destroyed about 67 Japanese cities. These extensive attacks and the damage they had caused were some of the main arguments used by supporters of the atomic bomb.

However, during the planning of the nuclear attacks, the Air Forces were looking for cities that had not been damaged extensively by the raids, as they believed this would make the assessment of the damage more accurate.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is D.

From 1944 to 1945, the Allied forces implemented strategic bombing raids in Japan. The casualties of Japanese citizens was between 241,000 and 900,000. By the time the United States dropped the atomic bombs, Japan was severely injured from this firebombing. 

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B. Woodrow Wilson.

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, emphasized free trade as one of his "Fourteen Points" in his vision for a global postwar order. The Fourteen Points were a set of principles outlined by Wilson in a speech to the U.S. Congress in 1918, during World War I. They aimed to establish a just and lasting peace after the war and included principles such as self-determination for nations, open diplomacy, and free trade. Wilson believed that free trade would contribute to economic prosperity and international cooperation among nations.

Final answer:

The political leader who championed free trade as part of his 'fourteen points' for a postwar order was Woodrow Wilson. He proposed these points during World War I, which included the removal of economic barriers and promise of free trade.


The political leader who emphasized free trade as one of his 'fourteen points' for a global postwar order was Woodrow Wilson. Wilson, serving as the 28th President of the United States, proposed the Fourteen Points as his war aims during World War I, which was a guiding principle for peace. Within these points, he called for removing economic barriers among nations and promised a world of free trade. This is a prime example of how Wilson influenced global politics and international trade practices.

Learn more about Woodrow Wilson here:


In the early 1920s, Lenin established the New Economic Policy, whichA.instituted communist reforms and gave the economy a boost.
B.instituted communist reforms and damaged the economy.
C.reversed earlier changes and gave the economy a boost.
D.reversed earlier changes and damaged the economy.


Option C reversed earlier changes and gave the economy a boost is a right answer.

Vladimir Lenin in 1921, introduced a New Economy Policy for Soviet Russia. This New Economy outlined a more market-determined financial policy, to boost the economy of Russia.

The economy of Russia suffered firmly since 1914. The Soviet officials partially reversed the complete nationalization of industries, which were founded during the Communism war period (1918 to 1921). Lenin and proposed a system of mixed economics which permitted private individuals to own small businesses, whereas, the control of banks, large industries, and foreign trade was in the hand of the government.

In the early 1920s, Lenin established the New Economic Policy, which reversed earlier changes and gave the economy a boost.

Nullification was the idea that states could nullify, or void, what? A. The citizenship of any American B. Any federal law it felt was unconstitutional C. Any treaty it felt was unconstitutional D. Any other state's law it felt was unconstitutional


nullfication was the idea that states could nillify or void : B. any federal law it felt was unconstitutionalone of the example of nullification was in 1809 , when Pensylvannia statute stated that the federal government did not have any jurisdiction to be involved inn the case of United states vs Peters


its 3


• Over farming and overgrazing on marginal lands • Extended droughts in the Sahel region • Wind erosion of topsoil These situations have all contributed to (1) population growth in Southwest Asia (2) deforestation in South America (3) desertification in sub-Saharan Africa (4) increased reliance on fossil fuels in Asia


The Sahel is located on the African continentbetween the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea. Because of its long periods ofscarcity of rain and semi-arid pasture, land desertification generates in thisarea.

The agriculture, overgrazing, overpopulation ofmarginal lands and soil erosion contribute to deep desertification in theregion.

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b) interfere in Eastern European nations to preserve communist rule
c) seek a disarmament agreement with NATO
d) reject the use of military means to spread communism in Europe


The Brezhev Doctrine asserted that the Soviet Union would interfere in Eastern European nations to preserve the communist rule. It also would seek a disarmament agreement with NATO.

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Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president (: