Which process requires an external power source?(1) neutralization (3) fermentation(2) synthesis (4) electrolysis


Answer 1


The correct answer is option (4).


Electrolysis it is chemical technique used to separate out the constituent of solution by passing an electricity through it. Electricity is supplied to the solution is done by the external power sources.

For example:

2H_2O(l)\overset{electricty}\rightarrow 2H_2(g)+O_2(g)

Neutralization is the type of chemical reaction which an acid reacts with base along with the formation of water molecule and salt.

HA+BOH\rightarrow AB+H_2O

Fermentation is chemical reaction in which substance is break down into simpler  compounds by the action of microorganism.Generally sugar or carbohydrates are broken down into alcohols or acids.

Synthesis  is chemical reaction which two or more simpler compounds fused to together to give a single new compound.

Answer 2
Answer: (4) electrolysis requires an external power source 

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(1) factory workers from the Northeast to the
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(2) communists deported to Russia as
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(3) African Americans to northern cities to find
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The Great Migration during World War I refers to the movement of African Americans to northern cities to find work. Therefore, option (3) is correct.

What is Great migration?

The Great Migration was the movement of millions of African Americans moved from the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West. The great migration was caused by the poor economic conditions for African American people.

The historic change brought by the migration was fueled because the migrants moved to the largest cities in the United States such as New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Washington, D.C. at a time when these cities had a central social, political, cultural and economic influence over the United States.

African Americans established effective communities of their own. Therefore the Great migration movement was actually sending African Americans to northerncities to find work.

Learn more about Great migration, here:



The Great Migration during WW 1 refers to the movement of African Americans to Northern Cities to find work.

What are the trends for ionic size among the cations and anions?


Cations are smaller than the atoms from which they are formed. Anions are larger than the atoms from which they were formed. Ionic size increases from top to bottom down a group of elements in the periodic table.

When making a guess, you are forming a_______. Can you help me complete this sentence??!?!!?


When making a guess, you are forming a hypothesis.

A hypothesis is a statement you make based on your observations of a certain phenomenon, so it's an educated guess.

You will then carry out an experiment whose results will hopefully support your hypothesis.


Hypothesis is a supposition or projected clarification created on the premise of restricted proof as a place to begin for more investigation.A hypothesis may be a tentative, testable answer to a scientific question. Once a person encompasses a scientific question she is fascinated by, the person reads up to search out out what's already far-famed on the subject. Then she uses that data to make a tentative answer to her scientific question. Typically folks discuss with the tentative answer as "an educated guess."

When making a guess, you are forming a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a statement you make based on your observations of a certain phenomenon, so it's an educated guess. You will then carry out an experiment whose results will hopefully support your hypothesis.

8. why the partial negative charge occurs in a molecule of water?




The partial negative charge in a water molecule occurs because of differences in electronegativity between the atoms involved. A water molecule (H2O) consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Oxygen is significantly more electronegative than hydrogen, which means it has a stronger attraction for electrons.

In a covalent bond between hydrogen and oxygen, such as in a water molecule, electrons are shared between the two atoms. However, because oxygen is more electronegative, it pulls the shared electrons closer to itself, creating an uneven distribution of electron density. This results in the oxygen atom having a partial negative charge (δ-) and the hydrogen atoms having partial positive charges (δ+).

The electronegativity difference between hydrogen and oxygen causes the electrons in the covalent bonds to spend more time around the oxygen atom, making it partially negatively charged. This partial negative charge on the oxygen atom and the partial positive charges on the hydrogen atoms give water its polar nature. This polarity plays a crucial role in various chemical and physical properties of water, such as its ability to form hydrogen bonds, its high surface tension, and its unique solvent properties.

In a titration, 20.0 milliliters of 0.15 M HCI(aq) is exactly neutralized by 18.0 milliliters of KOH(aq).Complete the equation in your answer booklet for the neutralization reaction by writing the formula of each product.

KOH(aq) + HCl(aq)==> ________ +________

Compare the number of moles of H+(aq) ions to the number of moles of OH-(aq) ions in the titration mixture when the HCl(aq) is exactly neutralized by the KOH(aq).

Determine the concentration of the KOH(aq).


The reaction yields H2O and KCl (remember that neutralization reactions produce water and a salt).When HCl is exactly neutralized by KOH, you are left with no excess H+ or OH- from the strong acid or strong base. Also, since both the acid and base are strong, their conjugate base and conjugate acid, respectively, have negligible basicity. Therefore, the final solution is of neutral pH and there are equal amounts of H+(aq) and OH-(aq).Since the acid is monoprotic and the base releases only 1 OH- per molecule dissociated, you need not worry about dissociation constants. In this case, you find the molarity using M1V1 = M2V2. You are finding M2, so M2 = M1V1/V2 = (0.15)(20.0)/(18.0) = 0.17M (this is considering significant figures).