Which motion causes the Coriolis effect onEarth?(1) revolution of Earth around the Sun
(2) revolution of the Moon around Earth
(3) rotation of Earth on its axis
(4) rotation of the Moon on its axis

When water vapor condenses, how much heatenergy will be released into the atmosphere?
(1) 2260 joules/gram
(2) 4.18 joules/gram
(3) 334 joules/gram
(4) 2.11 joules/gram


Answer 1
Answer: Q. Which motion causes the Coriolis effect on Earth?
A. (3) rotation of Earth on its axis

Q. When water vapor condenses, how much heat energy will be released into the atmosphere?
A. 2260 joules/gram

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Characteristics? I think for first blank

In order to be neutral, an atom has to contain equal numbers of _______


In order to be electrically neutral, an atom has to contain
equal numbers of protons (with their positive charges) and
electrons (with their negative charges).

If a star's parallax angle is too small to measure, what can you conclude about the star's distance from the Earth?



The star is too distant to be measured by parallax method. This happens when parallax angle is of the order of the least count of measuring system or less than that.


if a liquid substance is transferred to a different container what can be predicted about the volume of the liquid in the new container?



In liquids, force of attraction between the molecules is less as compared to solids but force of attraction between the molecules is more strong as compared to gases.

Also, liquids do not have any definite shape and they acquire the shape or container or vessel in which they are placed.

Therefore, when a liquid is simply transferred from one container to another container then its volume remains the same.

It will stay the same

During what intervals was jenny negatively accelerating


Jenny's acceleration was negative during the intervals of time when her speed was decreasing.

That's really all we can tell, because you really haven't given us any information except her name.

Final answer:

Negative acceleration refers to times when Jenny was slowing down in her motion. Exact intervals cannot be given without further information on her motion timeline or graphical representation.


The periods during which Jenny was negatively accelerating would be the time intervals during her motion when her speed was decreasing. In a physics context, negative acceleration (or deceleration) means that the object (in this case, Jenny) is slowing down. For instance, if Jenny was running and began to slow down, the period from when she began slowing to when she stopped would be an interval of negative acceleration. However, without specific timelines or a graphical description of Jenny's motion, it's impossible to determine the exact intervals of negative acceleration.

Learn more about Negative acceleration here:



An ___________ is a current-carrying wire wrapped around an iron core.


That could be an electromagnet,
and it could also be an solenoid.
Your answer is simply, a electromagnet.