How was William Wilberforce, a member of Parliament, able to affect the future of slavery in Britain?


Answer 1
Answer: William Wilberforce, a member of Parliament was able to affect the future of slavery in Britain, because he helped pass the Slave Trade Act of 1807 and later on the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 which abolished slavery in all British colonies. This included slave trade and all other things related to slavery being abolished in the Indian subcontinent, African colonies and colonies in the Caribbean.
Answer 2


b In 1807, he achieved a ban on British slave trade.


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The letter to my friend will depict how life is at Pennsylvania

Dear John,

How are you doing? I've really missed you. I am writing this letter to tell you about my time in Pennsylvania. I'm finally settling in and it's great and challenging.

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Dear fellow quakers in England

I have finally settled in the Pennsylvania colony.

The life in this new land is difficult because we have to create a civilization from scratch, but perhaps this is also part of the charm: the opportunity for a new beginning, a new place where our values are respected and promoted.

I invite you all to accept the challenge if you feel capable: leave the intolerance of England, and take the trip here, where we all can start a new life.


Pennsylvania Colonist.

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Look, I' m from Greece and I live there too. So we study about our history. As far as your question I want you to know that I think that the right answer is B) Sparta
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by a  land route through central asia


uhm not needed




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the promise of making a profit from shares in the company



D. The promise of making a profit from shares in the company


got the answer right from edgenuity2020


D is correct


What was a major result of the glorious revolution


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A major result of the glorious revolution was that England further limited its monarchy.