The resistance of moving surfaces produces ________?Friction always results in a loss of ______ in the form of _____ which enters the atmosphere.
Friction can sometimes be the result of the attraction of different substances which are in contact with one another. true or false
Oil or water clinging to a surface of a jar is a example of ______________


Answer 1
Answer: The resistance of moving surfaces produces friction.
Friction always results in a loss of energy in the form of heat which enters the atmosphere.
Oil or water clinging to a surface of a jar is an example of...
The last one I believe is either fraction or adhesion.

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Direct current is produced byan electric motor
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the answer is a battery

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We all know that in the earth gravity is there,but why clouds doesn't fall down???​


Answer: Clouds are evaporated sea water. You should be asking "Why does the gravity on Earth pull us down and not evaporated water.



Because of their mass


Clouds are made of water right ? so you are asking why they don't fall down if air is lighter than water .

The two biggest reasons the clouds stay in the sky are

1. Small Drops

2. Wind

Small drops of water fall more slowly than big drops, as the drops of the clouds fall thought the air, the air pushes back to them, because Small drops has less mass than large drops, clouds can only contain small drops of water.

What instrument is used to measure relative humidity and how does it work?


The measurement of humidity may be done directly by a hygrometer.

But the usual instrument is called a psychrometer, which uses two thermometers to obtain temperatures that indicate the relative humidity.

A psychrometer is an instrument that uses the difference in readings between two thermometers, one having a wet bulb and the other having a dry bulb, to measure the moisture content or relative humidity of air. When air is saturated, the bulbs have the same temperature. When it is less than saturated, the moisture around the wet bulb evaporates, cooling the wet bulb until it is cooled to the temperature where the concentration of water vapor in the air would saturate air at that temperature.


Relative humidity is a measure of water vapor in the air compared with the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at that temperature. It can be measured by using a variety of instruments, such as a thin polymer film, a psychrometer, a dew cell, and a hair hygrometer.
sling psycrhometer
A hygrometer or a psychrometer will measure relative humidity.
A hygrometer.
Thermo-hygrograph. It uses two thermometers, one gives dry temperature is is hung in the air, while the second one is dipped in water with the help of a wick. As the evaporation of water depends on the relative humidity in the air, when there is a big difference in dry and wet temperatures it means that humidity is low and vice versa. The exact humidity is found out with the help of a table Relative humidity can be measured by a psychrometer .

What are the four most common gases in dry air?


The four most common gases in dry air are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.

The four most common gases in dry air are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.

Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in dry air, making up about 78.6% of the air.

Oxygen is the second most abundant gas, accounting for approximately 20.9% of the air.

Carbon dioxide is present in small amounts, around 0.04%, but it plays an important role in the Earth's carbon cycle and climate. Water vapor, despite being a variable component, can make up around 0.5% of the air.

Learn more about common gases in dry air here:


carbon dioxide

While performing an experiment involving a reaction between two chemicals, the scientist observes that the reaction container has become warm. The observation is an example of:



In an exothermic reaction, heat is released into the surroundings. In this type of reaction, energy of products is less than the energy of reactants.

In an endothermic reaction, heat is absorbed by the reactant molecules. In this type of reaction, energy of products is more than the energy of reactants.

Therefore, we can conclude that while performing an experiment involving a reaction between two chemicals, the scientist observes that the reaction container has become warm. The observation is an example of exothermic reaction.

When an object is becomes warm its an example of exothermic reaction.

A basketball with a mass of 0.80 kg is accelerated with a force of 16.0 N. If resisting forces are ignored, what is the acceleration of the basketball to the nearest m/s2?



Acceleration = 20 m/s2

Further explanation:

16 N = 0.80 kg x acceleration

Acceleration = 20 m/s2

Force (F) = mass (M) x acceleration (a)
F= 16.0 N
M= 0.80kg
a= ??

16.0 = 0.80 x a
___ ______
0.80 0.80

a= 20 m/s^2