Why are viruses considered to be nonliving?


Answer 1
Answer: Because:
They aren't cells, well not like animal and plant ones. They are just DNA/RNA surrounded by protein
They have no metabolism, they have no energy needs, which makes them unlike living cells
They produce no waste, no energy going in means no energy coming back out again, which is also different to living cells
They don't reproduce by mitosis/meiosis, they can only replicate inside other cells
They don't grow, they stay as they are from birth until death
They don't respond to outside stimuli they just live their happy little lives, oblivious to everything around them
Answer 2
Answer: viruses are considered to be non living because they dont posess nucleus

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Answer and Explanation:

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the answer is option a

Label each example as either (PI) passive or (AI) active immunity:a. ________ Bill had chicken pox when he was five. He doesn’t catch it again, even when his nephew gets sick with the virus.
b. _______ Billy Jr gets vaccinated with a live attenuated form of the chicken pox virus. He doesn’t get chicken pox after playing with his infected cousin.
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First, let's distinguish active from passive immunity:
- Active immunity occurs in a direct exposure of individuals to live pathogens. The result is a development of a disease. After that, individuals acquire immunity to the disease.
- Passive immunity is induced by vaccines with antibodies for a disease, so the disease does not develop.

a. ACTIVE IMMUNITY - Bill had a disease, so it must be active immunity.
b. PASSIVE IMMUNITY - Bill got a vaccine and a disease did not develop, so it must be passive immunity.
c. PASSIVE IMMUNITY - Although, 3-month-old daughter did not get a vaccine, she has mother's antibodies from the milk so she will not develop a disease.





What is the hydrologic cycle


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sickle cell is a recessive trait.
that means that you have to inherit the gene from both your parents.
eg, if each of your parents has one good copy, and one defective copy of the gene, there will be a 25% chance you'll get 2 copies of the defective gene.
when that happens, before modern medicine, you'd probably die.

however, if you had 1 good copy, and 1 defective copy, then you'd not get malaria.
in a part of the world where most folks get malaria repeatedly, the benefits outweigh the problems.

thalassemia is a related genetic condition that also offers some protection against malaria, however, just as with sickle cell, if you get too much of the gene, your chances for survival are not good.

both cases are interesting results of mutation and natural selection.

An example of thermal energy is?:A) glucose.
B) noise from a jet engine.
C) heat from your furnace vent.
D) a sweater.
I think the answer is C but I'm not sure!!


the answer is c because thermal energy is energy you get from heat, and since youre getting heat from your furnace vent, its thermal energy.