Why did large numbers of Hindus and Muslimsmigrate immediately after India gained its
(1) Many jobs were being outsourced overseas.
(2) The government offered housing incentives
in newly developed areas.
(3) Religious pilgrimages to neighboring countries
were required based on their beliefs.
(4) The subcontinent was divided into countries
based primarily on the location of religious


Answer 1
Answer: There were several reasons why large numbers of Hindus and Muslims migrated immediately after India gained its independence but the best option is "(4) The subcontinent was divided into countries
based primarily on the location of religious

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What are some of the driving forces and cultural change in the world today?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Some of the driving forces and cultural changes in the world today are the following.

Diversity. We live in a diverse world and people are finding hard to accept the fact that we are different. But that does not mean that we have to be enemies. We simply have to respect each other in order to understand or difference and advance. Plurality helps us to grow,

Technology. Technology and communications are changing the world. Like never before, people are immediately connected through the internet. This is probably one of the major changes.

Another factor could be the new generation of young people that are demanding new forms to do things, including business.

Finally, free trade between countries is strengthening international relationships and exchanging cultural aspects.

Final answer:

Globalization, technological advancements, and social movements are driving forces and cultural changes in the world today.


Some of the driving forces and cultural changes in the world today include globalization, technological advancements, and social movements.

  1. Globalization: The interconnectedness of economies, cultures, and societies across the globe has led to a sharing of ideas, values, and practices, resulting in cultural change.
  2. Technological Advancements: The rapid development of technology has significantly impacted various aspects of our lives, from communication to work practices, leading to cultural shifts.
  3. Social Movements: Movements advocating for equality, justice, and sustainability have brought about cultural changes by challenging existing norms and promoting new ideas.

Learn more about Driving forces and cultural change here:



What was the main reason for the war in Iraq?


Oil was, in my opinion the US envied all those 3rd world countries because they are the leaders in the multi billion oil industry causing the US to weaken and loose their economy started a war with them for so called "nukes" that were never found... Aka it was to destroy their oil process so rhey can sell theirs for a more profitable business.

What happened to the former colonial possessions of europe?


Before the War of American revolution, 13 British colonies were the dominate power in the North America.

After the British left, these 13 colonies became the independent United States of America.

Other territories such as Louisiana was control by the French Empire. The United States government was able to buy it and turn it into a US state.

Spanish controlled territory in North America eventually became the independent country of Mexico, while the northern most territory on the continent became Canada.

The English colonies became the United States. America later bought the Louisiana territory from France and the rest of their territory became Canada. Spanish territory became Mexico .

Why couldn't european countries maintain their overseas colonies after world war ii?


First of,the idea of having liberty and independence of their own ethnic race has spread to the colonies guring WWII,this caused the uprising of protests and unrest of colonies which shook the colonial rulers.

Also,after WWII,the European Nations were greatly damaged,as the war destryoed infrastructures and killed civilians,they faced the problems such as lack of labour,unemployment and hyperinflation. The nations were busy to settle the unrest and recovery within the nation and could not spare resources to maintain their colonies

hope it helps!


the european countries were economically ruined by war

Concurrent powers refer to which of the following? A.)powers granted solely to state governments B.)powers granted to the national government C.)powers transferred between government leaders D.)powers shared between national and state governments


Concurrent powers are D. powers shared between national and state governments. An example of a concurrent power is: taxation

The Indus people were _____-speaking people. Indu Indo-European Iranian


The Indus people were Aryan-speaking people.  These groups include Indo-Iranian and are part of the Indo-European languages. They include Indo-Aryan, Iranian and Nuristani languages. The Indo-Aryan group has the most speakers in the world and they are mainly located in India: Hindustani, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarathi among others.

Answer: indu
