Read this passage taken from "How the Spaniards Came to Shung-opovi, How They Built a Mission, and How the Hopi Destroyed the Mission":Well, about this time the Strap Clan were ruling at Shung-opovi, and they were the ones that gave permission to establish the mission. The Spaniards, whom they called Castillia, told the people that they had much more power than all their chiefs and a whole lot more power than the witches. The people were very much afraid of them, particularly if they had much more power than the witches. They were so scared that they could do nothing but allow themselves to be made slaves. Whatever the Spaniards wanted done must be done. Any man in power who was in this position the Hopi called To-ta-achi, which means a grouchy person who will not do anything himself, like a child. They couldn't refuse, or they would be slashed to death or punished in some way. There were two To-ta-achi.

The missionary did not like the ceremonies. He did not like the Kachinas, and he destroyed the altars and the customs. He called it idol worship and burned up all the ceremonial things in the plaza.

Which of these elements are found in the Hopi story?

a. cultural differences between the Hopi people and the Spaniards
b. hardships faced by the Spaniards
c. tradition of the Hopi people
d. agreement of the Hopi people with the Spaniards
e. introduction of medicines by the Spaniards


Answer 1


A + D


just took the test

Answer 2
The answer is A because of the mention of religious ceremonies, and calling the man in charge the grouchy person who won't do anything himself. Also the fact that they would die if they refused. There is no reference to medicine, agreement, or hardships for the Spaniards, and the cultural differences are more prominent than just Hopi traditions. 

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The appropriate answer would be C. It could lead to other health issues.





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When was Marcus called to the office?


the answer is a


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There are a lot of them. Here are some examples:


Hope it helped!

Which pronoun agrees with the antecedent? Either Maria or Leah has left __________ purse on the sofa in the living room.
a. she
b. their
c. theirs
d. her


In the sentence:

EitherMaria or Leah has left __________ purse on the sofa in the living room. 

Theanswer would be letter d. her. 

Pronounsare utilized as substitutes for a noun. In order for it to substitute, it musthave a clear antecedent. Personal pronouns are used to substitute nouns withownership. There are three persons point of view.1st person is whenthe subject is the one who is speaking (e.g. I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours). 2nd person iswhen the subject is the one being spoken to (you, your, yours). 3rd person is when the subject isthe one spoken about (he, him, his,she, her, hers, it, its, they, their, theirs). Correlative conjunction is such as Either . . . or. connects one idea orword from another in a sentence, giving choice or options.

Hard to please;never satisfied- Should end with the letter y, should be 5 letters(with the y)Gladness;good luck- 9 letters, start with h.

stamp with the foot-5 letters

make a rough copy; a current of air-5 letters, should start with d.

a large with a woody trunk, branches, and leaves-4 letters, last letter is e.

There is a word for each definition. Ask me for more information!


Hope this helps. 

The Cubist Picasso, went through a wide variety of artistic periods in his career. is this sentence correct if not what are the corrections?


It lo

 Picasso, the Cubist, went through