Shays’ Rebellion (1786) became a concern formany national leaders because it
(1) indicated there would be future conflicts over
the spread of slavery
(2) exposed fundamental weaknesses in government under the Articles of Confederation
(3) pointed to the need for federal government
regulation of interstate commerce
(4) showed that frontier settlements were
vulnerable to raids by Native American Indians


Answer 1
Answer: Shays’ Rebellion (1786) became a concern for many national leaders because it "(2) exposed fundamental weaknesses in government under the Articles of Confederation"

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Slaves in the South were very religious people. They identified with stories in the Bible about suffering. They had they own songs, called spirituals, that expressed their feelings of distress. Slaves looked to God to provide them with a better life. Unfortunately, slaves did not have their own churches, but were forced to attend white-led plantation churches. Choose the sentence that corrects a historical inaccuracy in the passage.


Final answer:

The corrected sentence: 'Contrary to belief, slaves were not always forced into white-led churches but had their own faith practices and even established African-American churches, like the African Methodist Episcopal Church, which offered solace and a space for resistance.'


The sentence that corrects a historical inaccuracy in the passage could be: 'Contrary to beliefs, slaves were not forced to attend white-led plantation churches as some slaves could worship in their own faith practices, sometimes even establishing their own African-American churches, such as the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the first independent Black Protestant church in the United States.'

This accounts for the historical fact that African-Americans, though enslaved, found ways to express their faith apart from their white overseers. This was particularly prevalent with the rise of religious movements and the establishment of Black churches, which provided a space for spiritual solace, community fellowship, and the articulation of hope and resistance to slavery in the antebellum south.

For example, the rise of the Methodist and Baptist traditions, encouraged emotional responses to scripture, attracted many enslaved individuals and inspired some to become preachers. Christian hymns, with a particular focus on the biblical story of the Exodus, became a coded language of resistance and a testament to the struggles and future aspirations of enslaved people.

Learn more about Slavery and Religion here:


Please help will upvote !!!Which sentence uses vivid imagery?
A) Blue is the best color in the world.
B) My dog is asleep in the backyard.
C) We went to the store to buy apples.
D) The puffy, white clouds sailed across the sky.


That would be D) The puffy, white clouds sailed across the sky.

Which of the following describes Johnson's Vietnam War strategy?


he committed large amount of American Troop to the Fight and massive bombing

He Encouraged his Adviser to send US Troops to bolster the south Vietnam army

He also ordered a bombing raid to north Vietnam because he did not want to be seen as a weak Leader

2. As northern urban areas developed, what happened in the South?



The populations of the Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and Miami metropolitan areas grew to over 4 millions. Population growth in the 18 largest metropolitan areas accounts for 63% of the total population growth in the South from 1950 to 2000.


A homeless man that walks around town begging for money is considered a vagrant. Vagrancy is a crime against theA) Public property
B) Public order
C) Property
D) Person


The correct answer is (b.) public order. A homeless man that walks around town begging for money considered a vagrant. Vagrancy is a crime against the public order. Vagrancy is considered an offense in which prohibits anyone to beg or to sleep in streets.

The correct answer is B.

Vagrancy happens when a seemingly homeless person wanders from one place to another without a purpose. Vagrants usually live in poverty and support themselves by begging, temporary work, theft, garbage scrapping, collecting waste and sometimes welfare.

The word vagrant derives from Latin vagari which means 'wander'.

Vagrancy is a crime against public order ( together with disorderly conduct ).

These are usually trivial types of public misconduct with a relatively low-level punishment. Public order offenses include among many others : public drinking, loitering, aggressive begging in the streets.

A known fact is the discretion of the police while acting against public order offences. Such laws are often not even formally enforced. The offenders are told to put an end to their activities without any further actions. It is done because of the human touch factor here - the offenders are often victims of unfairness and injustice in the society.

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Upon the principles of a free government, inconveniences from the source just mentioned mustnecessarily be submitted to in the formation of the legislature; but it is unnecessary, and thereforeunwise, to introduce them into the constitution of the Executive. It is here too that they may be mostpernicious. In the legislature, promptitude of decision is oftener an evil than a benefit. The differences ofopinion, and the jarrings of parties in that department of the government, though they may sometimesobstruct salutary plans, yet often promote deliberation and circumspection, and serve to check excessesin the majority. When a resolution too is once taken, the opposition must be at an end. That resolution isa law, and resistance to it punishable. But no favorable circumstances palliate or atone for thedisadvantages of dissension in the executive department. Here, they are pure and unmixed. There is nopoint at which they cease to operate. They serve to embarrass and weaken the execution of the plan ormeasure to which they relate, from the first step to the final conclusion of it. They constantly counteractthose qualities in the Executive which are the most necessary ingredients in its composition, vigor andexpedition, and this without any counter balancing good. In the conduct of war, in which the energy ofthe Executive is the bulwark of the national security, everything would be to be apprehended from itsplurality.While Hamilton opposes a “plural" executive, why is a "numerous” legislature (one made up ofmany rather than one individuals) beneficial and preferable?