Part AShort-Answer Questions
Directions: Analyze the documents and answer the short-answer questions that follow each document in the
space provided.
Document 1
… Almost immediately after the Confederation was created, many Americans, including [James]
Madison, came to see that it was much too weak to do what they wanted. By the 178os the
problems were severe and conspicuous [obvious]. The Congress could not tax and pay its bills.
It could not feed, clothe, or supply the army. It could not levy tariffs to regulate trade or to
retaliate against the mercantilist European empires. It was even having trouble gathering a
quorum to conduct business. Attempts to revise the Articles and grant the Congress the power
to levy a 5 percent impost [tax] on imported European goods were thwarted by the need to get
the unanimous consent of all thirteen states. Internationally the United States were being
humiliated. In the Mediterranean the Barbary pirates were seizing American ships and selling
their sailors into slavery, and the Confederation was powerless to do anything. It was unable even
to guarantee the territorial integrity of the new nation. Great Britain continued to hold posts in
the northwestern parts of United States territory in defiance of the peace treaty of 1783. In the
southwest Spain was claiming territory that included much of present-day Alabama and
Mississippi and plotting with American dissidents to break away from the Union.…
Source: Gordon S. Wood, Revolutionary Characters: What Made the Founders Different, Penguin Press, 2006

According to Gordon S. Wood, what were two weaknesses of the national government under the Articles of
Confederation that led to the Constitutional Convention? [2]


Answer 1
Answer: According to Gordon S. Wood, two weaknesses of the national government under the Articles of Confederation that led to the Constitutional Convention was that they couldn't collect taxes or put down uprisings. 
Answer 2

Final answer:

Two main weaknesses led to the Constitutional Convention: the government under the Articles of Confederation's inability to manage finances or assert power in international affairs, as evidenced by its inability to impose tariffs, respond to pirates' attacks, or maintain territorial integrity.


According to Gordon S. Wood's text in Revolutionary Characters: What Made the Founders Different, two major weaknesses of the national government under the Articles of Confederation that led to the Constitutional Convention were its financial incapacity and lack of power in international affairs. Firstly, the Congress could not tax and pay its bills, which led to difficulties in supplying the army and conducting trade. The government's inability to impose tariffs or taxes contributed to their financial difficulties.

Secondly, the United States was humiliated internationally because the Confederation lacked power to respond to the Barbary pirates' attacks and was unable to ensure the territorial integrity of the new nation. This was evident in Great Britain's defiance of the peace treaty of 1783 by holding posts in the northwestern parts of the US territory, and Spain's claims on other parts of the territory.

Learn more about Articles of Confederation here:


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What are the primary roles and responsibilities of the president of the united states


Answer:The president has many roles that are essential to our country running smoothly.


Some include

1.Being head of all states

2. Head of government

3. Commander in chief for armed forces

4. Enforcing laws

5. Keeping ties with other countries

The President of the United States has several primary roles and responsibilities, as set forth in the United States Constitution and other laws of the country. These roles and responsibilities include:

1. Chief Executive: The president is the chief executive officer of the federal government and is responsible for executing and enforcing the laws passed by Congress.
2. Head of State: The president is the official head of state of the United States and is responsible for representing the country in international diplomacy and negotiations.
3. Commander in Chief: The president is the commander in chief of the armed forces and is responsible for making decisions regarding the use of military force to defend the country and its interests.
4. Spokesperson: The president is the public face and voice of the United States and is responsible for communicating the country's policies and positions to the public and to other countries.
5. Appointments: The president has the responsibility of appointing federal judges, cabinet members, ambassadors, and other high-level officials, with the advice and consent of the Senate.

Overall, the roles and responsibilities of the US president are broad and cover a range of areas, including executive, diplomatic, and military responsibilities. The president is also an important symbol and spokes- person for the country, acting as a representative and advocate for the interests and values of the American people.




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what do you need help with


I will be more then welcome to help you

? What type of money did the Greenback Party recommend?


The Greenback party recommended "Easy" money.

1. Rousseau says that "property is the most sacred of all the rights of citizenship." What do you think he means by this? Why might property be the most important right of a citizen?


The correct answer is the following.

Jean-Jaques Rousseau said that property was the most sacred of all rights of citizenship because people need to have their own things to prosper in a society. Rosseau considered that private property protection was the most important function of a government. These Rousseau's ideas are included in his book called "The Social Contract" in 1762, that follows his book "Discourse on Inequality" of 1754. Rosseau referred to the kind of government that could help people to resolve their economic issues.  

The president has six distinct roles. Which of the following roles does NOT belong to the President of the United States?a. head of state
b. commander in chief
c. leader of foreign policy
d. chief justice of the Supreme Court


The correct answer is D) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

The President of the United States has six different roles. But the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court role does not belong to the President.

The official roles of the President are. 1.- Chief of the State. 2.- Chief Executive. 3.- Chief Diplomat. 4.- Commander-in-Chief. 5.- Legislative leader to veto laws derived from the Congress. 6.- Chief of its Party. The President of the U.S. is the main figure, the head of the state and is the leader of the executive branch.

The roles of the President fulfills a through c.

D is the answer, since the President is given the power to appoint one, but is not one of his roles as President.

BEST ANSWER GETS 20 PONITSImagine that you are a reporter for your hometown paper during the Civil War. You are writing about any one of the major battles of the Civil War. In two to three paragraphs, explain what strategies the commanders are using, who wins the battle, and why.


Cheat Mountain, September 16, 1861. We have survived three brigades of Confederate opposition, and are looking towards moving forward. However, as our wounded are treated for their wounds, we count a little over sixty missing men. General Reynolds, the commander in this area, is going through the ranks congratulating our men. We have forced the Rebels back to where they came from. 
It was discovered that General Lee was the presiding commander over the Rebel forces! It is believed that the Confederates were unorganized and without proper leadership. These combinations lead to the Rebel defeat at the hands of our three-hundred man force. Once Col. John Washington was killed in action, the confederates accepted defeat. In fact, the enemy retreated before our reinforcements arrived. 
This is written in the position of a Union War Journalist. The battle in question is the Battle of Cheat Mountain September 12-15 1861.