After the passage of the Twenty-sixth amendment, which group of citizens is automatically excluded from the right to vote


Answer 1
Answer: After the passage of the twenty-sixth amendment the group of citizens which are automatically excluded from the right to vote were people under the age of 18, so minors. The passage of the twenty-sixth amendment stated that people of the age of eighteen and over were allowed to vote, when previously only people of twenty-one and over were allowed to vote. This is in part because of the student activism due to the Vietnam War.
Answer 2


Its the people under 18


took the test

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Answer: but also obviously from gunfire


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The Camp David Accords were agreements brokered by President Carter and involved Egypt and Israel.

The Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed the Camp David Accords on 17 September 1978. The Accords were preceded by a 12-day-negotiations at Camp David ( the country retreat for the President of the United States). They were brokered by President Jimmy Carter and were officially titled ' Framework for Peace in the Middle East'.

Sadat and Begin were awarded the Nobel Price for Peace in 1978 for the contributions to these agreements.

The Camp David Accords had three parts :

-  a process for Palestinian self government in the West Bank and Gaza,

-  a framework for the conclusion of peace treaty between Egypt and Israel,

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B.different views on the use of the atomic bomb
C.the division of Germany, Austria, and Berlin into zones of occupation
D.the creation of the Warsaw Pact and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization


a communism and democracy don't mix well even though the us and ussr were allies in ww 2 that was only because they shared an equal goal they were never friends after the world war tensions rose between the 2 and caused several "arms races" the soviets ended up beating the us into space but in 1969 the us landed a man on the moon there were other races but these were the most memorable

What language became the major language of the Byzantine empire a) Greeks
b) Hebrew
c) Arabic
d) Latin


It have studied this a lot , Greek .
A Greek

hope it helps 

A pioneer in the field of driverless cars is _____.


Answer: Google

Explanation: Waymo is the name of the driverless company spun out of Google. It has been a success in the world of self-driving cars, more than other technology companies trying to be pioneers in the field.

A pioneer in the field of driverless car is google