To maintain a healthy body image, adults should focus on a healthy lifestyle by exercising.Please select the best answer from the choices provided.




Answer 1

Exercising is the physical and mental activities that is performed for fitness and healthy living. To maintain a healthy body image one should exercise daily.

The given statement is true.

  • Exercising helps in losing and gaining weight.

  • It also helps in preventing some diseases and restores mental peace.

  • Exercise helps in maintaining the sleep cycle and reduces depression and anxiety.

  • It also helps in improving heart and brain functions.

Therefore, a healthy body image can be maintained by regular exercise.

To learn more about a healthy lifestyle by exercising follow the link:

Answer 2


The answer is true


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The correct answer is D. Appearance.


When a person is going to visit a medical professional, he/she must have several factors in mind. The first factor is the cost because this may vary depending on the medical professional and also this needs to fit your budget. Another factor is the distance because you need to find a medical professional in your area except in case you can travel. Also, you need to consider the accessibility because in many cases you can only access those medical professionals that are private or part of your insurance but not those outside it.

On the contrary, the appearance is not a determining factor to select a medical professional, because the appearance is not an indicator of the quality, knowledge or suitability of the medical professional, and this factor does not affect the patient as in the case of a high cost or lack of accessibility. So, the correct answer is D. Appearance

Answer: D. appearance


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hope this helps

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