how is the Clean Air Act of 1970 related to a principle established by the Supreme Court in the 1800s?The Clean Air Act was overturned through judicial review.


Answer 1


The Clean Air Act is based on an implied power of Congress. Although other branches of the government sometimes do not agree with the fact that it is federally governed by a state agency and funded federally, it was established by the Congress according to a supreme court decision from the 1800s. Congress enacted the Clean Air Act of 1970  because they are concerned about the growing quality of our country's air resources. Since this act came in force it becomes controversial between Environmental groups and businessmen.

Answer 2
Answer: The Clean Air Act is now run through the Legislative Branch and despite the accusatory statements from other branches, the funding is federal and is run through the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and therefore allows the Clean Air Act to continue to maintain the air quality as seen in the Whitman v. American Trucking Association Supreme Court Case 

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I am pretty sure my answer is correct

D. It free only the slaves in Confederate territory

This answer should help you with your homework and make you comfortable with your answers. Good luck and please brainliest.


D. It freed only the slaves in Confederate territory.


I took a test and it had this question and I got it right.

The Japanese Americans especially on the west coast were treated badly during the war. Who was responsible for this treatment? What has been done since to atone for it? Is there any correlation between this atonement and the current slave reparation argument?


Hi Flutiee!

During WWII, Japanese Americans on the west coast states were placed in internment camps after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the U.S. Government in fear that they would collaborate with the Japanese forces.  After the war was over, many of the Japanese Americans were still discriminated against, since Americans were still mad and weary of them.  However, Congress approved for $20,000 to be payed to each surviving camp member in 1988, over 40 years afterwards.  

For the last part of the question, many argue that a correlation can be made, since it was the U.S. government who originally allowed slavery to be maintained.

-WWII History Class TA (Last Year)

What were the longer term effects for the Black Death?????


The long-term effects of the Black Death were huge; in fact, the Plague was one of the most significant events in human history. By most estimates, the plague killed around 60% of the ENTIRE population of Europe, and in just a few years. 

The result of all this death was the Renaissance and, ultimately, the development of the modern world. Before the plague, most of Europe was feudal, meaning that aristocrats owned huge pieces of land, and serfs worked that land in exchange for being allowed to live on it. But the deaths of so many people meant that there were no longer enough serfs to sustain this system. The few workers who were left alive could now asked to be PAID for their work in money.

With so many people suddenly having cash in their pockets, markets started springing up to sell goods to these people. This basically meant that capitalism was born.

Another consequence was that there was a much greater need for technology to replace all the labor that was lost when so many people died. European technology advanced much more rapidly than it had before, and brought a lot of lifestyle changes with it. These lifestyle changes also shaped the way people thought about themselves and the world, which produced further changes in art, literature, culture, and religion.

TLDR: Tons of people died, resulting in capitalism, the Renaissance, and modernity.
The long term effects because of the Black Death are some sicknesses.

President Carter tried to ease Cold War tensions when he took office in 1977 by


President carter tried to ease Cold War tensions when he took office in 1977 by working with the leader of the Soviet Union.

One of the goals in his foreign affairs Agenda is that he wanted to relieved the tensions between united states and soviet union that could possibly resulted in war. Many believe that Carter's move played a big role in the separation of Soviet union

D. working with the leader of the Soviet Union.............

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States right are vital to checking the federal government’s power, testing new ideas and ensuring the citizens can better have their voice represented in government.

Which department did the US government create immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks


It is the National Security Agency (NSA)

Final answer:

The Department of Homeland Security was created by the US government immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The establishment of this department aimed at enhancing domestic security by bringing various government functions under one control. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 and the USA Patriot Act were among the key laws instituted during this period.


In the wake of the September 11 attacks, the US government saw the need to enhance the nation's security measures. Consequently, the Department of Homeland Security was created. This was a response to the growing concern for domestic security and the pressing need for greater cooperation among various law enforcement agencies in the United States.

The creation of this department was facilitated by the passage of the Homeland Security Act in 2002. This act sanctioned the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, which pooled a variety of government functions under one control to better manage domestic threats. One of the pivotal laws passed during this time also was the USA Patriot Act, which allowed the law enforcement agencies to monitor citizens' emails and phone conversations without any warrant in the name of national security.

The Department of Homeland Security not only monitors threats but has also taken on the role of controlling the Coast Guard, the Secret Service, U.S. Customs, and other law enforcement bodies.

Learn more about Department of Homeland Security here:
