What were some effects of the Columbian Exchange?


Answer 1
Answer: some effects of the Colombian exchange were cultural diffusion. for example the europeans would take corn (something Europeans didnt have) from america back to europe. the columbian exchange was not all positive since europeans would bring diseases such as small pox back to america which eventually would cause many natives to die off 
Answer 2
Answer: The effects of the Columbian Exchange, were/are: Food for one because some of the favorite foods that we like today originated in a distant land. Few events transformed the world like the Columbian Exchange. The global transfer of plants, animals, disease, and food, brought together the eastern and the western hemisphere in touched, in some way, nearly all the people of the world.

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 Write a comparison- contrast paragraph on the economies of Spain and the Netherlands around 1600.


Final answer:

The economies of Spain and the Netherlands in the 1600s had similarities and differences. Spain had a powerful American empire but faced competition from England and the Dutch in the Caribbean.


The economies of both the nations Spain and the Netherlands around the time period of 1600 had both similarities and differences. Spain retained its American empire, but it faced challenges from England and the Dutch Republic in colonizing smaller Caribbean islands.

In addition to this, the two countries had different strengths in trade, with England excelling in textiles and Spain in wine. In terms of trade, England excelled in producing textiles while Spain was more efficient in making wine. It was more economically efficient for England to buy wine from Spain and for Spain to buy cloth from England.

Learn more about economies of Spain and the Netherlands in the 1600s here:



Final answer:

Spain's economy around 1600 relied heavily on wealth from its colonies, sustained through the encomienda system and precious metals, leading to inflation and other issues. The Dutch economy was focused on trade, commerce, and shipping, exhibited by their significant merchant fleet and the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Both economies benefited from colonial endeavors, though in different ways.


Around 1600, the economies of Spain and the Netherlands were distinctly characterized by their geographic, political, and colonial influences. Spain's economy was heavily reliant on the vast wealth extracted from its American colonies, particularly through the mining of gold and silver. This wealth fueled Spain's position as a dominant European power. However, it also led to economic issues such as inflation. The Spanish encomienda system of forced labor and the enslavement of Africans were tragic foundations of its economy.

In contrast, the Netherlands had a more diversified and modern economy, focused on commerce, shipping, and trade, supported by a significant merchant fleet and innovative financial institutions like the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Dutch colonies, such as those in the Americas, were engaged in the fur trade with indigenous peoples, relying less on precious metals and more on mercantile economic practices.

Despite both countries being involved in colonial exploitation, their economic foundations and methods diverged significantly, with the Dutch economy reflecting more modern capitalist elements while the Spanish remained entrenched in the feudal extraction of wealth.

Learn more about the Economies of Spain and the Netherlands around 1600 here:



Why was the addition of new states to the union a point of contention for members of Congress? They thought that their influence in Congress would be diminished with the addition of new states. They were concerned that new states would become an undue financial burden on the federal government. They were concerned that the addition of a new free or slave state would tip the balance of power.


D.  They were concerned that the addition of a new free or slave state would tip the balance of power.


During this time, the balance between free states and slave states were crucial, if the balance between the two were tipped, that meant that they would have priority over the others. They wanted to continue to keep congressional power balanced, to avoid confrontation and negative outcomes.

What best describes an indentured servant?



An indentured servant is an employee who, within a system of servitude, is bound by a contract (deed) to work for a particular employer for a fixed period of time. The employer often allows assigning the work of a contractor to a third party. People in this situation usually undertake, by deed, to a specific payment or other benefit, or to fulfill a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. In many countries, servant work systems have been banned.

Between half and two-thirds of the white immigrants who went to the American colonies between the 1630s and the American Revolution were under indenture. However, although nearly half of the European immigrants in the Thirteen Colonies were indentured servants, when they were outnumbered by workers who had never been slaves, or when their respective deeds expired, free wage labor became more prevalent for Europeans in the colonies.

A servant who paid money to secure travel to the New World in exchange for being a slave for a specific amount of time.

Choose all that apply. The two Persian leaders who tried to conquer Greece were: Xerxes Cyprus Darius I Xispa II Solon


The correct answers are:

- Xerxes;

- Darius I;

The Greco-Persian wars were series of battles that lasted for around 50 years in the 5th century BC.

The Persians made multiple attempts of gaining the territory of the Greek city-states, with varying effect and outcomes.

The Persians managed to get hold on some Greek city-states, but didn't managed to keep them under their rule.

In this wars, it is actually the Macedon Kingdom and Thrace (which had nothing to do with the Greek city-states or the Greek people, and were not Greek at all), that were the ones occupied the most by the Persians, not so much the Greek city-states, so the name of the wars can be somewhat misleading, especially because Macedon and Thrace were not willing to fight the Persians at the time, so just let them pas through.

The two Persian leaders who tried to conquer Greece were "King Darius I and his successor Xerxes I."

In short, Your Answers would be Option A & C

Hope this helps!

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