Red-green color blindness is caused by an X-linked recessive gene. In a family, the mother is a carrier of this gene while the father does not have the gene. What are the possible effects on their children? Half of the daughters are normal and half of the daughters are color-blind. Half of the boys are normal and half of the boys are color-blind. Half of the boys are color-blind and half of the girls are color-blind.


Answer 1
Answer: The possible effects on their children may be a 50-50 percent chance of getting colorblind. It's not a full 100% because some children may not inheritage the colorblindness from their carrier mother.

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b. Small bowl of chili beans and rice
c. Corn on the cob
d. Apple wedges and carrot sticks


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What is does is elevates levels of cortisol, which causes overeating 


C.  elevated levels of cortisol, causing overeating


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lol me and my mom were talking about in in the car yesterday and the ideal blood pressure is 130/80

130/80 110 and 115 are low and 120 is better but but the ideal is around 130

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Hey There!

True, knowing what a portion size is can help with weight management.

Have A Brainly Day :)

the answer is true to this statement

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The doctor will most likely think you have strep throat. This is one of the most contagious infections that could exhibit these symptoms, so it would make the most sense. The white spots would be in conjunction with other negative symptoms, such as fever and nausea, which could be further indicators of infection.


strep throat


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cardiac, smooth, and skeletal.
