The scientific evidence that scientists use in supporting or critiquing the conclusions of experiments usually consists of


Answer 1
Answer: The scientific evidence that scientists use in supporting or critiquing the conclusions of experiments usually consists observations based on large sample sizes. 
Answer 2

Final answer:

The scientific evidence used by scientists usually involves data collected during the course of an experiment. The evidence can be qualitative or quantitative and it is analyzed to draw conclusions. These conclusions either support or reject the initial hypothesis, leading to further hypothesis testing.


Scientists use various forms of evidence to support or critique the conclusions of experiments. This evidence largely consists of data collected during the experiment, which could be either qualitative (descriptive) or quantitative (numerical). These data help in analyzing the results through methods such as statistical, mathematical, or graphical.

Furthermore, scientists use two types of logical reasoning: inductive reasoning using particular results to produce general principles, and deductive reasoning predicting results by applying general principles. After analysis, scientists draw conclusions that can either support or reject their initial hypothesis. If the hypothesis is supported, the process moves on to testing the next related hypothesis. If it's rejected, a new one is formulated for further testing.

Researchers typically present their findings in peer-reviewed scientific papers comprising of sections like introduction, materials and methods, results, and a concluding discussion. This organized and systematic approach ensures the integrity of the scientific process and encourages a thorough scrutiny of every experimental conclusion.

Learn more about Scientific Evidence here:


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The sand has a higher specific heat


The answer is that the sand would have a higher specific heat than water because water requires a lot of heat to raise its temperature while sand needs less heat to change it as water has a high heat capacity that allows it to maintain its temperature within a range.

water has a higher SHC as it would be cooler than the sand meaning it requires more energy to reach the same temperature 

Scientific experiments are specially designed to evaluate explanations for an observed phenomenon. A student decides to conduct an experiment to determine the effect that the amount of time spent in sunlight has on the overall growth of a plant. The student will carry out the experiment using two identical plants that will only spend different amounts of time in sunlight. All other aspects necessary for growth will remain identical for each. In the experiment described, what would be the amount of water given to each plant?



This question lacks options, the options are:

a. an observation

b. a dependent variable

c. an independent variable

d. a control

The answer is D. Control


According to the question, a student decides to conduct an experiment to determine the effect that the amount of time spent in sunlight has on the overall growth of a plant. The student keeps all other variables needed for the plants' growth in this experiment the same/identical. These variables kept identical by the student is called CONTROL OR CONSTANT.

One of the CONTROL is the amount of water given to each plant. The amount of water given to the two plants being tested must be the same. Hence, WATER in this experiment is a CONTROL VARIABLE.

Note that, the independent/manipulable variable is the amount of time spent in sunlight while the dependent/measurable variable is the growth of the plants.


The answer is D control


A solution with a pH of 8.0 isa. acidic.
b. neutral.
c. weakly basic.
d. strongly basic.


A solution with a pH of 8.0 is weakly basic. Thus ,the correct option is C.

The pH scale gives the measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. It ranges from 0 to 14, where a pH of 7 is considered neutral. Solutions which have a pH less than 7 are acidic, while solutions which have  a pH greater than 7 are basic.

In this case, since the pH is 8.0, which is greater than 7, the solution is basic. However, it is important to note that the basicity of the solution is weak, as it is only slightly above neutral.

For example, think of a pH of 8.0 as being similar to water from a freshwater lake. It's not strongly basic like bleach or ammonia, but it still has a slightly basic nature compared to a neutral solution.

Thus, the correct option is C.

Learn more about pH,here:


c. weakly basic. the higher the pH, the more basic/ alkalo

what mass of sodium chloride is produced when chlorine gas reacts with 0.29 grams of sodium iodide? working on stoichiometry and need help!


CI2 + 2Nal ---> 2NalCI + I2
Nal = 149.9 g/mol.
NaCI = 58.5 g/mol
2 mol Nal makes 2 mol NaCI
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00.19 mol NaCI x ( 58.5 g / 1 mol ) 0.11 g NaCI ( 2 sig figs)