Which lines from the poem above illustrate personification?a. “April/Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.”
b. “Life in itself/Is nothing/An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs.”
c. “The smell of the earth is good./It is apparent that there is no death.”
d. “The sun is hot on my neck as I observe/The spikes of the crocus.”


Answer 1


The answer is A. “April/Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.”


Personification in poetry means to "humanize" not human things. For instance, the answer here is A, because April is a "thing" a month, it doesn't come like an idiot (a person is an idiot) it doesn't babble (a person-baby babbles) and it doesn't strew (people strew).

The rest of the options are simply being described, if you see, they're not being "humanized" in any way.

Answer 2
Answer: The correct answer is a. Personification means giving an inanimate object, human characteristics. April is described as babbling and strewing flowers. Similar to a human, but is not actually a person. 

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Identify the correct sentence.a. ​"I'll meet you at the​ library," mickey said.
b. ​"I'll meet you at the​ library," Mickey said.
c. ​"I'll meet you at the​ Library," mickey said.
d. ​"I'll meet you at the​ Library," Mickey said.


The correct sentence is B. "I'll meet you at the​ library," Mickey said.

Mickey is a name and as such should always be capitalized. Since library in this sentence is a common noun, rather than a proper noun, it should be left lowercase. If it was a proper noun, such as the New York Public Library, then it would be appropriate to capitalize it.

The correct sentence is B : "I'll meet you at the library,"Mickey said

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b. A fact-based collection of information designed to explain events to the masses.
c. A deliberate spread of information designed to shape people's views and actions.
d. An inaccurate use of facts to convince people to take the wrong side of a position.


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