What happened as a result of the prohibition amendment.


Answer 1
Answer: There were several things that happened as a result of the prohibition amendment, but the most profound was that there was a large spike in organized crime, since alcohol was still demanded. 

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What was a major cause of the French Revolution


There isn't one biggest cause for the French revolution, however major causes can be:

1. Political: French monarchy at the time considered themselves as 'representatives of gods' and had complete control over France. All kings before the French revolution (Louis XIV, XV and XVI) like unlimited power and arrested anyone they wanted to arrest. People were against that.

2. Social: France was a very miserable country during and before the French revolution, with society divided in three classes, the nobles, clerks and common people. Nobles and clerks had total authority and were the wealthiest. common people had to live in very bad conditions for their whole lives without anything to protect them from exploitation and poverty.

3. Economic: Due to past wars, France was in a huge debt. To reduce the increase in debt, France removed ministers, which only caused it to increase. As new ministers were appointed, the condition just worsened, with the debt increasing to nearly 1 billion Franks. The taxes caused lots of people from most classes to rebel, so the country could return to its great power. 

Final answer:

Social inequality, economic hardship, and Enlightenment ideas were major causes of the French Revolution.


A major cause of the French Revolution was social inequality and economic hardship. The French society was divided into three estates, with the First and Second Estates (the clergy and nobility) enjoying privileges and exempt from taxation, while the Third Estate (commoners) bore the burden of heavy taxes. This created resentment and a sense of injustice among the common people.

Additionally, widespread poverty and famine, coupled with rising bread prices, led to widespread discontent and anger towards the monarchy. The economic crisis was exacerbated by France's involvement in expensive wars, such as the Seven Years' War and the American War of Independence.

The Enlightenment ideas of equality, liberty, and popular sovereignty also played a significant role in inspiring the French Revolution. Philosophers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire criticized the monarchy and advocated for a more democratic and fair society.

Learn more about French Revolution here:



What is the best definition of the term hawks?a. people who take part in violent anti-war protests
b.people who call for U.S. military intervention abroad
c. people who believe the president should have more power to wage war
d. people who fight in U.S. military conflicts in Southeast Asia


The best definition of the term hawks is people who call for U.S. military intervention abroad. The correct answer is B. 

The Social Security Administration faces new challenges in the twenty-first century because


there are greater numbers of retirees in the system
Because there is less people working for what they need and more people mooching off the system.

Which rights are necessary for entrepreneurs to obtain credit and capital?


Entrepreneurs need to be able to borrow funds without being subject to discrimination, and they need an economic environment open to investment in new businesses.  

The  Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974) established that lenders cannot discriminate against any credit applicant on the basis of color, race, religion, etc.  This protects entrepreneurs from discriminatory lending practices.

The Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, or JOBS Act (2012), aimed to create an open environment for new businesses by entrepreneurs, by relaxing some of the securities regulations on small businesses. Title II of that act allows entrepreneurs to communicate with a larger number of investors as they sought funding. Title III (with rules that went into effect in 2015) allows for crowdfunding.  Title IV allows investors to invest up to ten times as much in startups, with less strenuous registration requirements.
Since you provide no options, one of the rights that are necessary for entrepreneurs to obtain credit and capital is the Equal Credit opportunity, which protected the entrepreneurs from any type of discrimination regarding their credit ability.

Hope this helps

The president appoints new foreign ambassadors to China. According to the U.S. Constitution, what must happen before they can serve?


According to the U.S. Constitution, before they can serve, they must be appointed by the Senate--which is one of the many "checks" that the legislature has on the Executive. 

In which region is the highest percentage of the population affected by AIDS?A. Sub-Saharan Africa
B. Middle East
C. Central America
D. Western Europe


The region with the most population affected by AIDS is the Sub-Saharan Africa. It's an estimated 70% of people that have HIV, and more than 60% have died due to the said disease. Around more than 5% of adults are currently infected in the region.

Sub-Saharan Africa - APEX