In creating a Satan who is unrepentant, proud, and in his own way heroic, what statement does John Milton make in Paradise Lost about the alluring nature of evil?A) Evil that has admirable qualities is insidious and dangerous.
B) Evil is alluring to those who value pride and heroism.
C) Those who do evil tend to be proud and are seen as heroic.
D) It is difficult to avoid evil, especially for one who is proud.


Answer 1

the correct option is A.

Paradise Lost by John Milton is an epic poem, which was published in 1667. The poem have to do with the fall of man in the garden of Eden. The poem talks about the treachery, rebellion and corruption brought on the scene by satan and of the battle between God and satan. In the poem, the devil is depicts as a dangerous, evil genius that has admirable qualities.

Answer 2
Answer: Satan is one of the most liked character in the poem being the most dynamic and complicated character. The character of Satan is pure evil. Although he is admirable in  sense, this way is a very seductive kind of evil, which makes his character even more dangerous. Answer is A

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Analyze the foot of the following word. Use a dictionary if necessary. razor iambic trochaic





"Trochaic" refers to the existence of "trochees," or "trochaic feet." A trochee is a long syllable, or stressed syllable, followed by a short, or unstressed, one. In the case of "razor," the emphasis is in the syllable "RA-," while "-zor" is unstressed. This is in contrast with iambic words, which are more common in English. Because of this, poems and other texts that use trochaic meters often sound unnatural to the ear.

The word razor is trochaic because it consists of Ra - zor in which ra is accented and pronounced the clearest and loudest. If zor was accented then it would be iambic.

Three steps to answering test questions correctly includea.
Underlining, repeating, reading
Reading, undoing, eliminating
Reading, underlining, erasing
Reading, underlining, eliminating


Answer: d. Reading, underlining, eliminating

When answering test questions, the best steps you can use to answer them easily are the following:
1. Read the question carefully and repeat it when needed
2. Underline the context clues or signals
3. Eliminate the wrong answers or unimportant details


D. Reading, underlining, eliminating


On edgenuity 2020

The rules and conventions governing correct or polite behavior and communication are called



The rules and conventions governing correct or polite behaviour and communication are called etiquette.


Etiquette is a French word that refers to the expectations of correct and polite social behaviour according to contemporary conventions and rules within a given society or social group. This means that these rules vary in space and time depending on the group or society. The French origin of the word points to the Enlightenment imposition of polite norms that marked membership to the upper class.

Etiquette refers to the conventional rules and regulations dictating polite behavior and proper manners.

Can someone help me on this please?



1. the dog is wearing a funny bow and it's cute on him. 2. the girl looks like she's been you watching a movie. 3. it looks like. Guy is a professional skateboarder 4. it look like this group of girls are enjoying playing soccer

Is the sentence in natural order or inverted order? Beyond the fence was a child's swing set.




A: inverted

The sentence is stating the fence before the main subject, the swing set. 

What is the historical purpose of Miller’s The Crucible?


Arthur Miller’s The Crucible was based on two historicalevents that very similar despite the fact that they occurred on two differenttime periods.  Miller based his work onthe witch hunts that happened in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. This came aboutwhen a group of young girls fell ill and developed symptoms such as seizures,fainting spells, many believed that this was the work of witches.  Word of this development led to panic aspeople began to suspect one another of being a witch.  This led to numerous trials where many werekilled just because someone accused them of witchcraft.  During the McCarthy era, the government launcheda similar crusade to root out communist sympathizers.  Many were jailed, executed as well as hadtheir careers destroyed.  Both event werethe same in the sense that many lives were ruined due to fear and suspicion.
Other Questions
Which summary correctly describes the second half of Antigone?1. Haemon and Creon get into an argument and have a huge falling out. Haemon decides to leave Thebes, along with his mother, QueenEurydice. Antigone tries to convince her fiancé, Haemon, to forgive his father by telling him that family is the most important thing. Haemonfollows Antigone's advice and reconciles with his father. Creon is touched and humbled by Antigone's graciousness and forgives her fordefying his order and burying Polyneices. The play ends with Antigone and Haemon happily married and ready to become the new king andqueen of Thebes.2. Haemon tries to convince his father to think about his citizens and what they want and to realize his arrogance and folly. However, Creondismisses him and decrees that instead of sentencing Antigone to death, he will entomb her. Antigone puts up a brave face before beingentombed. The prophet Teiresias warns Creon of his folly, only to be rebuked. Later, when Creon goes to free Antigone, he finds out that shehas killed herself, and he witnesses Haemon stabbing himself. This news reaches Queen Eurydice, who also stabs herself in a fit of grief.Creon returns to the palace childless and wifeless, finally realizes his hubris, and repents.3. Haemon informs Creon that if Antigone has to die because of his unjust law, he will die with her. This announcement distresses Creon, buthe feels that Haemon is merely threatening him. He's shocked to find Haemon dead in his chambers the next morning. Haemon's deathgreatly grieves Queen Eurydice, who soon after stabs herself in the heart. Creon is in deep anguish and realizes how blind he was. To honorhis wife and son's memory, he forgives Antigone. The play ends with Antigone becoming the first female ruler of Thebes. She looks afterCreon like she would have looked after her own father.4. Haemon lends his father, Creon, his full support after Creon decides to sentence Haemon's fiancée, Antigone, to death. Ismene comes toHaemon to beg for her sister's life, but Haemon dismisses her. Ismene decides that the only way to save her sister's life is for Haemon andAntigone to elope. But Antigone refuses to be a coward and run away. She bravely faces the consequences of her actions. The Thebancitizens lament her terrible fate. Isméne cannot bear the thought of living without her sister, who is her last surviving family member, andpoisons herself. The play ends with both the sisters dead and Oedipus' bloodline entirely destroyed.