Which word means "given to inconsistencies"? A-continuative B-contradictory C-contrary


Answer 1
Answer: Although none of these options are really great in terms of a definition for the phrase ""given to inconsistencies", the best option would be "contradictory".
Answer 2


A) calamitous


The word that means the same as "unfortunate" is calamitous. "Good," "lucky," and "timely" all mean the opposite of "unfortunate."

Plus I did it on USATESTPREP.

I hope this help!

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And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
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I'm gonna say maybe B?

good enough for me girl

Which of the following is not an example of universal ethics?a. child admitting he broke his mother’s vase
b. a man giving up his seat for a woman
c. a student interrupting a lecture to correct the teacher about a mistake
d. a baby is rescued from the burning building by a fireman


ANSWER: b. a man giving up his seat for a woman

EXPLANATION: Universal Ethics is a set of rule or principle which is needs to be followed by everyone and is applicable irrespective of caste, color, race, faith or religion. A man giving his seat to a woman is a gesture of chivalry and not a universal ethics. The man may have needed the seat more desperately than the woman due to any of his physical inabilities but giving up the seat to a completely healthy woman would not be part of his ethics.

Universal Ethics are a set of principles which apply to all humans,whether secular or religious, independent from any particular faith, so i would go with B.

because that is your choice depending on your faith

Which sentence has an adjective clause?Mike rode his bike on mountain trails because he found them challenging,Gary donated to charity whenever he could, Liz, who could always make people laugh, was loved by the whole block.Liz, who could always make people laugh, was loved by the whole block, Ever since Adam was a little boy, he had helped his father in the fields


The answer is:
Liz, who could always make people laugh, was loved by thw whole block.

An adjective clause has a formula: relative pronoun or adverb + subject + verb

The relative pronoun here is "who"
subject= people
verb= laugh

Other relative pronouns are: whom, whose, that, which. For adverbs: when, where, why.

It also answers: What kind of person is Liz? This fufills its function as an adjective. Other functions of an adjective answers: Which one? How many?


Liz, who could always make people laugh, was loved by the whole block


Which of these excerpts from "Once in a Lifetime" by Jhumpa Lahiri most clearly exemplifies diversity within socioeconomic status?


Of the excerpts from “Once in a Lifetime” by Jhumpa Lahiri the best one that exemplifies an exploration of diversity within socioeconomic status is:

Answer: C) My parents felt slighted by your parent’s extravagant visions, ashamed of the modest home we owned.

I hope this helps, Regards.


C) My parents felt slighted by your parent’s extravagant visions, ashamed of the modest home we owned.


What is the introduction to the U.S. Constitution called?


The Preamble is a brief introduction of the U.S. Constitution's principles and purposes. 

Final answer:

The introduction to the U.S. Constitution is called the Preamble. It outlines the philosophical and political basis of the Constitution and summarizes its purpose.


The introduction to the U.S. Constitution is called the Preamble. The Preamble sets the stage for the entire Constitution by broadly outlining the philosophical and political underpinnings of the document, and provides a brief explanatory summary of the Constitution's purpose. It begins with the phrase 'We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union...'

Learn more about Preamble here:
