The purpose of a main idea is to meet standard publishing guidelines show what the overall story is about make readers spend more time analyzing give people something to write about


Answer 1
Answer: The purpose of a main idea is to "show what the overall story is about". At this stage of the process, details are usually left out for the most part. 
Answer 2

The correct answer is B. show what the overall story is about

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"Wildly" is an Adverb.

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Although he become combating for the north withinside the ultimate paragraph he says “With malice closer to none; with charity for all” that is a superb instance of ethos due to the fact now no longer most effective is it very truthful minded however his phrase desire is high-quality for the unique target market talking to.

Read more about the ethos :



“With malice toward none, with charity for all” ethos

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“Achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace” pathos


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b. Thomas Jefferson: A Man, His Politics, His Opinions
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Of the following books, Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler, is most likely written in first person. Writing in first person means it is based directly from the author's perspective. In other words, it is based on the "I" point of view. Autobiographies are accounts or stories written by the person him or himself based on his or her own ideas or experiences. So the answer is letter A.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "a. Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler" The book that would most likely be written in first person is that of Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler

An author who writes about obstaclesSometimes wants to experience obstacles

Rarely has experienced obstacles

Often has no opinion about obstacles

Usually has an opinion about obstacles


D. Usually has an opinion about obstacles

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The correct answer should be Usually has an opinion about obstacles

He has evidently met with obstacles and has some opinions about them if he wants to write about them.

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Petals on a wet, black bough.
symbolism to emphasize beauty
personification to describe similarity
metaphor to capture unexpected beauty
syntax to focuse on similarity


I believe Pound uses syntax to focus on similarity. He uses short words, without a verb, to make the scenery more vivid, but he does compare faces of the people in the crowd to petals. He isn't talking about beauty, but similarity between those two things. And since he isn't using personification here, the correct answer has to be the last one.

Which of the following is an example of indirect characterization A. Joe was a lazy, good-for-nothing farmer without a penny to his name. 
B. Joe wouldn’t life a finger to help his neighbor if you paid him.
C. Joe was a poor, sorry excuse for a farmer.
D. Joe pulled the brim of his hat low over his eyes as he settled back against the tree. He looked out over his fields. “That plowing can wait a day or two,” he thought, and closed his eyes for a midday nap.


The correct answer is D. Joe pulled the brim of his hat low over his eyes as he settled back against the tree. He looked out over his fields. “That plowing can wait a day or two,” he thought and closed his eyes for a midday nap.


In literature, the characterization is the way the author of a text reveals the personality and traits of characters. Additionally, this can be classified into direct characterization if the author uses descriptions or indirect characterization if instead of describing directly the personality and traits of a character the author presents the actions and words of the character and this suggests the personality of a character. Considering this, the one that is an example of indirect characterization is option D, because this presents actions and words of Joe that suggest he does not like to work or is lazy and it is the only option that does not directly describe his personality and therefore an example of indirect characterization.

I think and B and D is. But if can choose only one D would be better