Which of the following sentences is written in passive voicea. A massage should relax, not stress, you
b. Instead of stressing you, a massage should relax you
c. A massage relaxed Jolie, instead of making her stressed
d. A massage is given as a relaxing experience, not stressful


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is 'd'
It is given as a relaxing experience. By whom?
No answer, The agent is understood and doesn't need to be mentioned.It's obvious it was the massagist
Answer 2
Answer: c as it was not commanding or directed rather an observation 

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How is the argument structured in “The Grant Shapps Affair is a Testament to Wikipedia’s Integrity and Transparency”? What argument style does the author employ



The historical context that surrounds the subject in 'The Grant Shapps Affair Is a Testament to Wikipedia's Integrity and Transparency' is the article Federalist No. 10.


'The Grant Shapps Affair Is a Testament to Wikipedia's Integrity and Transparency' is an article written by Justin Anthony Knapp. The article centers around the controversy regarding Grant Shapps editing his English Wikipedia article to make it more appealing and removing any embarrassing information.

The historical context that Knapp makes in this article is related to the article Federalist No. 10 authored by James Madison in 1787, published on November 22. This essay emboldened the people of newly formed States to work towards the common well-being of the society. This historical context of the Federalist No. 10 is used as an analogy by the author.

Final answer:

The article 'The Grant Shapps Affair is a Testament to Wikipedia’s Integrity and Transparency' employs a claim-evidence or classical argument style. The author supports their assertions with evidence gathered from the incident involving Grant Shapps and Wikipedia.


The argument structure in the article 'The Grant Shapps Affair is a Testament to Wikipedia’s Integrity and Transparency' is presented in a claim-evidence style. The author initially states a claim, then offers pieces of evidence to back up these assertions. This is also called the classical argument style. The author builds their arguments on evidence pulled from the occurrences surrounding the incident involving Grant Shapps and Wikipedia. For example, specific instances of Wikipedia's editorial action against Grant Shapps' alleged attempts to alter his own Wikipedia page serve as evidence to uphold the author’s claim of Wikipedia's integrity and transparency.

Learn more about Claim-Evidence Argument Structure here:



Type the correct word from the Word Bank to complete the sentence.The gymnast needed to visit a specialist in____several times after suffering a broken leg from a fall.
word bank



The gymnast needed to visit a specialist in orthopedics several times after suffering a broken leg from a fall.

Reciprocal means _____________. a. it is inappropriate b. done unwillingly c. done in return d. it is a poor choice


Final answer:

The term 'reciprocal' means 'done in return'. It describes actions or feelings that are given or felt by each of two or more parties towards the others. An example is the saying 'you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.'


In English, the term reciprocal has a specific meaning. It primarily means 'done in return'. This term is often used to describe actions or feelings that are given or felt by each of two or more parties towards the other or others. A simple way of understanding it is to think of the saying, 'You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.' This saying is a good example of a reciprocal relationship where each person gives and receives in equal measure.

Learn more about reciprocal here:



The answer for this is C. Done in return

What is the purpose of hijab?


(In Muslim Faith) It is for woman to cover up skin so they don't look exposed 


Many hijab wearers have said that they wear the veil not as a symbol of control by a man, but rather to promote their own feminist ideals. For many Muslim women, wearing a hijab offers a way for them to take control of their bodies and to claim a stance that challenges the ways in which women are marginalized by men. - Online Website credits to them. (And I couldn't have worded it better myself)

Determine the part of speech for the italicized word. the italicized word is tackling While tackling his homework inside, Robert saw his brother outside playing with the tackling dummy. noun verb adverb adjective preposition conjunction


It depends on which form of tackling you are using:
, is the correct answer in the case of "while tackling his homework inside"

A verb is a word used to describe an action or occurrence, "tackling" in this case, is an action that Robert is "tackling" his homework.

adjective, is the correct answer in the case of "the tackling dummy."

An adjective is a word used to describe or modify a noun, which is exactly what "tackling" does in modifying the noun, "dummy."

adjective, have a good day:)

There are 12 __________ in the United States, which __________ from the district courts. a. Congressional districts . . . interview judges
b. regional circuits . . . hear cases on appeal
c. supreme courts . . . hear cases on appeal
d. state supreme courts . . . draw their legal reasoning


B. Regional Circuits; hear cases on Appeal



