Which of the following is something to check for during the proofreading process? A.GeneralitiesB. Confused words
C. Negative meassages
D. Cliches


Answer 1
Answer: Since the proofreading process involves checking grammar and not checking content, then the correct answer should be B. Confused words. You check for whether or not you've used all the words you've used correctly and if you should change anything. This is a part of the proofreading part of reviewing a paper.
Answer 2

Which of the following is something to check for during the proofreading process. The answer is, B. Confused words

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Which answer choice best corrects the punctuation errors in the sentence, if any errors exist? Why is the bathtub full of mud, Mother shouted.

A."Why is the bathtub full of mud," Mother shouted!

B."Why is the bathtub full of mud?" Mother shouted.

C."Why is the bathtub full of mud," Mother shouted?

D.No changes to the sentence are necessary.


Among the choices provided above to rewrite the incorrectly punctuated sentence is:

B."Why is the bathtub full of mud?" Mother shouted.

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The Nile: A Source of SustenanceSustenance played a crucial role in the founding of Egyptian civilization. The Nile was an unending source of sustenance. The Nile made the land surrounding it extremely fertile when it flooded or was inundated annually. The Egyptians were able to cultivate wheat and crops around the Nile, providing food for the general population. Also, the Nile’s water attracted game, such as water buffalo, and, after the Persians introduced them in the 7th century B.C., camels. These animals could be killed for meat, or could be captured, tamed, and used for ploughing—or in the camels' case, traveling. Water was vital to both people and livestock. The Nile was also a convenient and efficient way of transportation for people and goods.

Egypt’s stability was one of the best structured in history. In fact, it might easily have surpassed many modern societies....

Which question would be best to ask before reading the rest of the passage?

How did the Nile directly affect the stability of Egypt?

How might Egypt’s stability have surpassed many modern societies?

Why was the Nile an unending source of substance?

How did the Nile get its name?


Why is Nile a source of sustenance?

Nile has a direct effect on the economy of Egypt as it enriches the lives of people which makes their society work.

Egypt's stability surpasses modern societies since its only source is Nile but it has given them a lot unlike modern societies which seek for several resources just to make the economy boom.

It's unending in the sense that it's the longest river, but it's an unending source because of its fertility.

Nile means "river valley" which is also the meaning of the Latin word "nilus". Egyptians call Nile, Ar which means "black" because its sedimentary gives a black hue sometimes. 

Which conclusion about historical significance can be drawn from this information? The emblem of the British crown was carved onto all artifacts found by the British army. The carving on the slit drum was viewed as an unimportant addition by Kitchener's army. The carving on the slit drum is representative of British rule over African territories. The emblem of the British crown was commonly found already engraved on foreign artifacts.


This conclusion is supported by the fact that the emblem of the British crown was carved onto all artifacts found by the British army.

"The emblem of the British crown was commonly found already engraved on foreign artifacts" suggests that during a certain historical period, it was a common practice for the British to engrave their crown emblem on artifacts from foreign territories. This conclusion can be explained in the following way:

  1. Imperialism and Colonialism: During the era of British imperialism and colonialism, the British Empire extended its influence and control over many parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, and other regions. As a result, artifacts and objects from these colonized territories were often brought back to Britain as part of the colonial enterprise.
  2. Symbol of British Rule: Engraving the emblem of the British crown on foreign artifacts served as a symbol of British authority and rule over these territories. It was a way to mark these objects as possessions of the British Empire and reinforce the idea of British dominance.
  3. Documentation and Ownership: Engraving the crown emblem on foreign artifacts may have been a means of documenting and asserting ownership of these items. It also acted as a form of cultural appropriation, as it implied that these foreign artifacts were now under British control and represented British culture.
  4. Historical Significance: This practice has historical significance because it reflects the power dynamics of the time and the impact of British colonialism on various cultures and societies. It's an example of how imperialism influenced the material culture of both the colonizing and colonized nations.
  5. Archaeological and Historical Records: The presence of the British crown emblem on foreign artifacts can also be valuable for historians and archaeologists. It provides evidence of the historical connections between the British Empire and the regions it colonized, helping researchers understand the extent of British influence and the global impact of colonialism.

In summary, the engraving of the British crown emblem on foreign artifacts was a common practice during the era of British imperialism and colonialism, symbolizing British rule and documenting the influence of the British Empire on various cultures and regions. It is historically significant as it reflects the broader context of imperialism and its consequences on a global scale.

Learn more about emblem:




the answer is C... The carving on the slit drum is representative of British rule over African territories.


Cerebrum : cerebral ::A.
caput : effacement

os : eyebrow

dens : orthodontist

frons : facet

gurges : gargantuan


B. that is it I hope that help.

What does 'horse of another color' mean?


'Horse of another color' is the opposite expression from Shakespeare's 'a horse of that color' in the Twelfth Night Act 2 Scene 3 where Maria told Sir Toby Belch that her purpose was indeed a horse of that color which meant that Sir Toby Belch got the same idea as hers. So, 'horse of another color' is an idea different from the other. 
This term probably derives from a phrase coined by Shakespeare, who wrote “a horse of that color”, meaning “the same matter” rather than a different one. By the mid-1800s the term was used to point out difference rather than likeness.