What happens in a reduction half-reaction?elements gain electrons
elements lose electrons
oxygen is added
oxygen is lost


Answer 1

Answer: Option (a) is the correct answer.


A reduction-half reaction is defined as the reaction in which there occurs gain of one or more number of electrons by a specie or element.

Or, in a reduction-half reaction there occurs loss of oxygen if it is present in a reaction.

But in a reduction-half reaction loss of electrons will always take place.

For example, CuO + Mg \rightarrow Cu + MgO

Reduction-half reaction: Cu^(2+) + 2e^(-) \rightarrow Cu

So here, oxidation state of copper is changing from +2 to 0. Also, loss of oxygen is occurring in the reaction equation.

Oxidation-half reaction: Mg \rightarrow Mg^(2+) + 2e^(-)

Thus, we can conclude that in a reduction half-reaction elements gain electrons.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is elements gain electrons. Oxidation reduction is elements lose electrons. And oxygen is added/lost can be a type of oxidation/reduction reaction.

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The reaction would be 1500n (equal reaction)


This can be explained by Newton's third law of motion which states that for every action (force), there is an opposite and equal reaction. In other words, when two objects or people come in contact, the magnitude of force which they exert on each other is equal and they both feel an equal reaction force.

It doesn't matter whether one of the colliding bodies is of bigger mass than the other.  This Newton's third law of motion is also known as the law of action and reaction.

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When atoms react they form a chemical bond which is defined as?


A force of attraction that holds atom together
When atoms react they form a chemical bond which is defined as a force of attraction that holds atom together. A force of attraction is defined as a kind of force that draws two or more objects together regardless of distance. There are two major categories of forces of attraction, one is intramolecular and intermolecular. Intramolecular forces is the presence of forces in atoms internally. While intermolecular is the force by which the force that is existent in two or more elements.

Final answer:

A chemical bond forms when atoms react, creating an electrical attraction that results in a molecule. Molecules can be formed from the same or different elements. Chemical reactions involve the forming or breaking of these bonds.


When atoms react, they form a chemical bond. This bond is an electrical attraction, either weak or strong, that holds atoms in proximity to each other. The formation of this bond results in a stable grouping known as a molecule, which can be composed of the same or different elements. An example of this is H2, or molecular hydrogen. When the molecule is formed from different elements, it's called a chemical compound, such as H₂O (water) or CH4 (methane).

Chemical bonds form because it is energetically favorable for atoms to have a full outermost electron shell, creating stability. Atoms can obtain this stable configuration by donating, accepting, or sharing electrons with other atoms. Chemical reactions occur when these bonds are formed or broken, transforming the reactants (starting materials) into products (end results).

Learn more about Chemical Bond here:



Base your answers to questions 76 through 79 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.During a laboratory activity, a student places 25.0 mL of HCl(aq) of unknown concentration into a flask. The student adds four drops of phenolphthalein to the solution in the flask. The solution is titrated with 0.150 M KOH(aq) until the solution appears faint pink. The volume of KOH (aq) added is 18.5 mL.

76 What number of significant figures is used to express the concentration of the KOH (aq)?

77 Complete the equation in your answer booklet for the neutralization reaction that occurs during the titration.

HCl + KOH--> ________________

78 Determine the concentration of the HCl(aq) solution, using the titration data.

79 Describe one laboratory safety procedure that should be used if a drop of the KOH(aq) is spilled on the arm of the student.


The precaution taken when KOH is dropped on the arm of a student is to apply plenty water over the affected area.

What is titration?

The term titration has to do with a reaction between an acid and a base to form salt and water only.

In this reaction, we have; KOH + HCl -----> KCl + H2O. The concentration of KOH was expressed to two significant figures.

The concentration of HCl is obtained from;

0.150 M * 18.5 mL * 1/25.0 mL * 1 = 0.11 M

The precaution taken when KOH is dropped on the arm of a student is to apply plenty water over the affected area.

Learn more about titration:brainly.com/question/8832859


76. 3 significant figures
77. KCl +H(little)2O
78. 0.1M
79. rinse it off with water or tell the teacher
Hope this helps :)

What is the density of an object having a mass of 5.0 g and a volume of 45.0 cm3?


Answer : The density of the object will be, 0.111g/cm^3

Explanation :

Density : It is defined as the mass contained per unit volume.

Formula used for density :


Given :

Mass of an object = 5.0 grams

Volume = 45.0cm^3

Now put all the given values in the above formula, we get the density of an object.


Therefore, the density of the object will be, 0.111g/cm^3

d = m / V

d = 5.0 / 45.0

d = 0.111 g/cm³