Which of the following is NOT true about the Battle of Trenton?a. George Washington’s men attacked the Hessians.
b. George Washington’s men lost the Battle of Trenton.
c. George Washington did not have the support of any of his generals.
d. George Washington crossed the Delaware River with 2,400 men and 18 cannons in a snowstorm.


Answer 1
Answer: Let's see... the first one: yes, it's true, Washington's men attacked the Hessians first.
The second option: this one is NOT true; Washington's men won the battle! So we found our winner, no need to look further:)
Answer 2


In the Battle of Trenton, which took place during the American Revolutionary War, George Washington's men did indeed attack the Hessians. This was a surprise attack launched by Washington and his troops on the morning of December 26, 1776. The Hessians, who were German mercenaries fighting for the British, were stationed in Trenton, New Jersey.

Now, let's move on to the second statement, which is not true. Contrary to what is mentioned, George Washington's men did not lose the Battle of Trenton. In fact, they achieved a significant victory. Despite being outnumbered and facing harsh weather conditions, Washington's army was able to overpower the Hessians and capture over 900 prisoners. This victory provided a much-needed morale boost to the American forces, which had suffered a series of defeats prior to this battle.

As for the other options, let's quickly go through them. The third statement, which suggests that George Washington did not have the support of any of his generals, is not mentioned in the given options and is therefore irrelevant.

The fourth statement is indeed true. George Washington, along with his troops, crossed the Delaware River in a daring and bold move. They crossed during a snowstorm on the night of December 25, 1776, to launch the surprise attack on the Hessians the next morning. This crossing involved around 2,400 men and 18 cannons, demonstrating Washington's strategic skills and determination to turn the tide of the war.

In summary, the correct answer is:

b. George Washington's men did not lose the Battle of Trenton.

I hope this explanation clarifies the details for you! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


a. George Washington’s men attacked the Hessians.

b. George Washington’s men lost the Battle of Trenton.

c. George Washington did not have the support of any of his generals.

d. George Washington crossed the Delaware River with 2,400 men and 18 cannons in a snowstorm.

The correct answer is b. George Washington’s men lost the Battle of Trenton.

Let me explain a bit further. During the Battle of Trenton, George Washington and his men actually attacked the Hessian troops, which were German mercenaries fighting for the British. This surprise attack took place on December 26, 1776. Despite facing harsh weather conditions and being outnumbered, Washington's army emerged victorious. The battle was a significant turning point in the American Revolutionary War.

Now, it's important to remember that Washington did have the support of his generals during this battle, which brings us to option c. This statement is not true. Washington was able to rally his officers and lead them to victory.

Lastly, option d is correct. George Washington indeed crossed the Delaware River on that fateful night with approximately 2,400 men and 18 cannons. The crossing took place in a severe snowstorm, adding to the difficulty and surprise factor of the attack on the Hessians.

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