In relation to chemical solutions, which term does not express a degree of saturation?A: unsaturated
B: saturated
C: supersaturated
D: oversaturated


Answer 1

Answer: The correct answer is Option D.


From the given options:

Option A: Unsaturated solution is defined as the solution in which more solute particles can be dissolved in the solvent.

Option B: Saturated solution is defined as the solution in which no more solute particles can be dissolved in the solvent.

Option C: Supersaturated solution is defined as the solution in which more amount of solute particles is present than the solvent particles.

Option D: Oversaturated is defined as the to saturate the solution excessively or to provide with more amount of substance for saturation.

Hence, the correct answer is Option D.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is D. oversaturated. The term to represent the solution contains more solid solute than saturated solution is supersaturated, not oversaturated.

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The correct answer is B. A pure solvent has a freezing point lower than the freezing point of a solution. This can be explained by one of the colligative property of a solution called the freezing point depression. A colligative property is a property of a solution which is affected when a solute is being added. This includes, boiling point elevation, vapor pressure lowering and osmotic pressure.

Which if the following questions can be answered by science?​



Need the choices before i can give answers thanks


Balance the equation :

...NO2 + ...O2 + ...H2O = ...HNO3


We are going to do this by means of electronic balance:
N(IV)\Rightarrow\ N(V)+e^-|*4\n 2O(0)+4e^-\Rightarrow\ 2O^2^-\n 4NO_2+O_2+2H_2O\Rightarrow4HNO_3

If you hadn't learnt it yet, you would do it normally:
Count oxygens. To have even number of oxygen write "2" in fronf of H2O. Then to have equal hydrogen you have to add "4" in front of HNO3 and then NO2.

1. If the temperature of a gas remains constant, then the pressure of the gas will increase if the a. mass of the gas molecules decreases. b. diffusion of the gas molecules increases. c. size of the container is decreased. d. number of gas molecules in the container is decreased. ______ 2. When Gay-Lussac’s law of combining volumes holds, which of the following can be expressed in ratios of small whole numbers? a. pressures before and after reaction b. volumes of gaseous reactants and products c. kelvin temperatures d. molar masses of products and molar masses of reactants ______ 3. Equal volumes of ideal gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of a. protons. b. ions. c. particles. d. electrons. ______ 4. At constant temperature and pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its a. molar mass. b. number of moles. c. density at STP. d. rate of diffusion. ______ 5. To use the ideal gas law to d


These are four questions, each with its complete answer.

Question 1. If the temperature of a gas remains constant, then the pressure of the gas will increase if the a. mass of the gas molecules decreases. b. diffusion of the gas molecules increases. c. size of the container is decreased. d. number of gas molecules in the container is decreased. ______


  • Option c. the size of the container is decreased.


At constant temperature, the pressure of a gas has the following relations with other variables:

  • Amount of gas: direct proportion, the greater the amount of particles of the gas, molecules or atoms, the greater the pressure of the gas.

       Then, as long as the number of molecules in the gas does not change, a decrease in the mass of the gas molecules (option a) does not modify the pressure, which makes that the option a. is not valid.

       Option b, diffusion of the gas molecules increases, means that some molecules will abandon the container. So, following the direct proportion of the pressure with the number of molecules, this option means a decrease of the pressure, and you discard it.

       Following the same reasoning, the option d, number of gas molceules in the container is decreased, also means a decrease of the pressure, and this option is discarded.

  • Volume: as per Boyle's law, the volume and the pressure of a gas are in inversed relation. Then, the option c., size of the container is decreased, indeed means the increase of the pressure, and this is the correct option.

Question 2. When Gay-Lussac’s law of combining volumes holds, which of the following can be expressed in ratios of small whole numbers? a. pressures before and after reaction b. volumes of gaseous reactants and products c. kelvin temperatures d. molar masses of products and molar masses of reactants ______


  • option b. volumes of gaseous reactants and products


Gay-Lussac’s law of combning volumes states that, at constant temperature and pressure, when gases combine the volumes are in the ratio of simple whole numbers.

Hence, it is not pressures before and after reaction (option a), kelvin temperatures (option c), or molar masses of products and molar masses of reactants (option d) what holds.

It is volumes of gaseous reactants and products (option b) what holds.

Question 3. Equal volumes of ideal gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of a. protons. b. ions. c. particles. d. electrons. ______


  • option c. particles.


This is a direct deduction from Avogadro's principle: no matter the size of the particles, either single atoms, or small or large molecules, at the same temperature and pressure, equal volume of gases contain the same number of particles (atoms or molecules).

That is why it is stated that at 1 atm and 0°C, the volume of 1 mole of any gas is approximately 22.4 liter.

Question 4. At constant temperature and pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its a. molar mass. b. number of moles. c. density at STP. d. rate of diffusion. ______


  • option b. number of moles.


As explained on the answer to the question 4, Avogadro's law states that at constant temperature and pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its number of particles.

Moles is a unit of amount of particles. One mole is equal to 6.022 × 10²³ particles (atoms or moles, in the case of gases).

You can also reason from the ideal gas equation:

  • pV = nRT ⇒ n = (pV) / (RT) = V (p / RT)

  • Then, since (p / RT) is constant, p is directly proportional to V.

A mixture of two gases has a total pressure of 5.7 atm . If one gas has a partial pressure of 4.1 atm , what if the partial pressure of the other gas ?



1.6 atm


We are given that total pressure of mixture of two gases=5.7 atm

Partial pressure of one gas=4.1 atm

We have to find the partial pressure of other branch.

We know that Dalton;s law of partial pressure

It states that pressure exerted by mixture of gases is equal to sum of partial pressure exerted by  gases in mixture.

Let x bet the pressure exert by other gas

Apply this law

Total pressure=4.1+x



Hence, the partial pressure of other gas=1.6 atm.

if the two gases has a total pressure of 5.7 atm and one of the gases has a partial pressure of 4.1 the the other one has the pressure of 1.6

Which physical change is endothermic?(1) CO2(s)-->CO2(g) (3) CO2(g)-->CO2(l)
(2) CO2(l)-->CO2(s) (4) CO2(g)-->CO2(s)


Answer: The correct option is 1.

Explanation:Endothermic reactions are the reactions in which heat is provided to break down the reactant molecules.

In option 1:

The stronger intermolecular forces between the particles in solid molecule are broken down to convert into gaseous form. Hence, some energy in the form of heat is provided to move them far apart. Therefore, it is considered as an endothermic reaction.

In option 2, 3 and 4:

All the other processes involves the formation of bonds and thus there is no need to provide any energy.

The physical change that is endothermic is \boxed{\left( 1 \right){\text{ C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( s \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( g \right)}.

Further explanation:

Changes are of two types:

(A) Physical changes:

It is the process in which the physical properties of the system are affected. These changes can also be reversed by physical methods. In these kinds of changes, the molecular composition of the substance remains the same. These are reversible in nature and no new substances are formed. For example, boiling of water, chopping of wood, melting of wax are physical changes.

(B) Chemical changes:

In this change, new substances are formed by the chemical combination of the previous substances. The chemical properties of substance changes when it undergoes a chemical change. These are irreversible in nature. For example, fermentation of grapes, burning of wood, rusting of iron are chemical changes.

Endothermic reactions are those in which more energy needs to be supplied to the system than that released by it.

Exothermic reactions are those in which more energy is released by the system than that supplied to it.

(1){\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( s \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( g \right)

In this reaction, solid carbon dioxide is converted into gaseous carbon dioxide. The strong intermolecular force of attraction in solid needs to be broken down and energy is supplied for this purpose. Hence this is an endothermic process.

(2){\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( l \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( s \right)

In this reaction, liquid carbon dioxide is converted into solid carbon dioxide. The intermolecular forces in liquid molecules are weaker than that present in solid molecules and are broken down easily so energy is released during the process. Hence this is an exothermic process.

(3){\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( g \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( l \right)

In this reaction, gaseous carbon dioxide is converted into liquid carbon dioxide. The intermolecular forces in gas molecules are weaker than that present in liquid molecules and are broken down easily so energy is released during the process. Hence this is an exothermic process.

(4){\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( g \right) \to {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}\left( s \right)

In this reaction, gaseous carbon dioxide is converted into solid carbon dioxide. The intermolecular forces in gas molecules are weaker than that present in solid molecules and are broken down easily so energy is released during the process. Hence this is an exothermic process.

Learn more:

1. Which of these is an extensive property?

2. Which of the phase changes is an exothermic change?

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Physical and chemical changes

Keywords: physical change, chemical change, CO2, endothermic, exothermic, solid, liquid, gaseous, intermolecular forces, strong, weaker.