Which of the following is considered evidence of past life?A.


Answer 1
Answer 2
Answer: a fossil is considered past life evidence

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1. Which of the following is the theme of "When Greek meets Greek"? (1 point)a) the struggle to withstand discriminationb) loneliness is an ever-changing worldc) the need for higher education at all agesd) the difficulty of making new friends 2. Which of the following is the theme of " Girls can we educate we dads"?( 1 point)a) Fathers do not know about their daughters struggle to grow upb) fathers and daughters do not understand eachotherc) sexual descrimination belittles and insults womend) women have been more independant and assertive3. Read the following sentences from "The Third Bank of the River.""Father, you have been out there long enough. You are old . . . Come back, you don't have to do it anymore . . .Come back and I'll go instead. Right now, if you want. Any time. I'll get into the boat. I'll take your place."Which of the following words best describes the speaker's tone (1 point)a) annoyedb) desperatec) determinedd) pleading4. Read the following sentences from "The Third Bank of the River."She scolded us daily—my sister, my brother, and me. But it happened one day that Father ordered a boat . . . Mother carried on plenty about it. Was her husband going to become a fisherman all of a sudden? Or a hunter? Father said nothing.Which of the following words best describes the relationship between the Mother and her family? (1 point)a) contemptuousb) disconnectedc) hostiled) opressive5. Read the following sentences from "The Youngest Doll."The aunt thought he was listening for the breathing of the prawn to see if it was still alive, and shefondly lifted his hand and placed it on the spot where he could feel the constant movement of thecreature's antennae. The young man released the ruffle and looked fixedly at his father. “You couldhave cured this from the start,” he told him. “That's true,” his father answered, “but I just wanted youto come and see the prawn that has been paying for your education these twenty years."In these sentences, the prawn most likely symbolizes ( 1 point)a) a craving for power and knowledge.b) a sense of selfish motivation and greed.c) a feeling of unity between father and son.d) a secret shared between doctor and patient.6. Read the following lines from the poem "Love After Love.""you will greet yourself arrivingat your own door, in your own mirror,and each will smile at the other's welcome,"In these lines, the mirror most likely symbolizes (1 point)a) a show of vanity.b) a sense of comfort.c) the recognition of one's talents.d) the reflection of one's inner beauty.9. Which of the following best describes the diction of this excerpt from "When Greek Meets Greek"? "This fellar was Chandrilaboodoo (after this, we calling this man Chan) and he had a big beard with a hairnet over it, and he was wearing a turban. When he see Ram, he clasp his hands with the palms touching across his chest by way of greeting." (1 point)a) technical and detachedb) informal and colloquialc) vivid and metaphoricald) lofty and formal10. Hybrids produce less pollution than conventional cars. (1 point)a) S-V-Ob) S-V-IOc) S-V-Nd) S-V-A
What does the thesis statement do for the readers of the essay?
Effective speakers use only natural ________ that are not distracting.a. gestures b. tones c. words d. syllables
What does personification mean

Which is the best example ofparaphrasing for the following
Well-a-well, we've all got to
go, they ain't no getting
around it. Man that is born of
woman is of few days and far
between, as Scriptur' says.
Yes, you look at it any way
you want to, it's awful solemn
and cur'us: they ain't nobody
can get around it; all's got to
go--just everybody, as you
may say.
A. The Bible says that one day, everyone
must die. No one can escape death,
B. The Bible says that if a man is born to a
woman, then he will die.
C. The Bible says that no one can avoid
being born



The Bible says that one day , everyone must die. No one can escape death

Which of the following does not contribute to a writer’s style?a. imagery
b. conflict
c. sentence structure
d. word choice


Offollowing choices given, the option that does not contribute to a writer’sstyle is letter b. conflict. The rest are pretty much contributors. Imagery isthe ability to incorporate descriptive words to the write up. Description seeksto involve readers by helping them see, hear, touch, smell, or taste. Theauthor may use adjectives (means to describes and modifies the noun) to strengthen hiswords. Sentence structures could be simple (one independent clause), compound (twoindependent clause with coordinating conjunction), complex (a subordinate &independent clause) and compound-complex sentences (subordinate & twoindependent clause). It’s up to the writer how to use them well.  

Which of the following does not contribute to a writer’s style?

B. Conflict

Conflict is one of the main elements of a story and it does not dictate an author's style. It is the struggle between the characters or any other force, and it is what unfolds in a plot.  

There are two types of conflict: external (characters against a specific outside source) and internal (psychology of the characters).

What is the root word of educator and it's meaning


The root word for educator is educate which means to teach, to train or to supervise a practice by formal instruction to develop skills, profession or trade.

The suffix -or is a word ending added to the stem of a word educate. Suffixes and prefixes are affixes or  word endings that can change or add a meaning to the stem of a word being added to. For instance, the word educate. The term "educate" is a verb meaning to teach, but when added by the suffix -or, the verb becomes a noun. It becomes "educator" which now, has a new meaning, a teacher. The difference brought by adding an affix to a stem of word is very obvious.



To lead

Which of the following organizational type is most appropriate for a procedural text? A. order of importance from most to least B. order of importance from least to most C. chronological order D. spatial order


The correct answer is C. chronological order.

The organizational type that is most appropriate for a procedural text is chronological order. A procedural text is something that shows a procedure or how something is done. Thus, there would be steps that should be followed one by one. So the correct answer is 
C. chronological order. I hope this answer helped you.




I just took the test

In chapter 10, Atticus shoots and kills a rabid dog. What does this prove about Atticus?a.he hates dogs
b.the kids are proud of him
c.he has a hidden talent
d.he is old and feeble





you wouldn't think of the other ones beside the dog was trying to hurt him

When aquinas realized that he could not find all the answers, he turned to?


  Thomas Aquinas was an influential theological, philosopher and jurist in the tradition of scholastism.

  He was the foremost proponent of natural theology and the father of Thomism of which he argued that reason is found in God. He reached this theory after noticing he could not find all the answers by the scientific studies and turned into faith.

  Thomas embraced several ideas of Aristoteles to whom he called "The Philosopher" and attemped to synthesize those ideas with the principles of Christianity.

   Aquinas is consider one of the greatest theological and philosopher of the catholic church.

  He viewed theology as a science, faith and reason are the primary tools to process the data sources revealed by the self-revelation of God to individuals and group of people throughout the history. In order to obtain true knowledge from God he thought that there should be a confluence of faith and reason. That was what he did by blending greek philosophy like the Aristoteles´s works with the christian doctrine.

  According with Thomas God is the nature so to study it is to study God and the ultimate goal of theology is use the reason to understand the truth about God and experience salvation through that.  

  Sanit Thomas Aquinas was cannonized aproximately 50 years after his death on january 18th of 1325 as a response of some miracles and prophecies that had taken place. On 1880 he was named patron saint of the universities and the catholic study centers.

  I hope the answer help you. Regards

Faith is the answer :)
Other Questions
Which sentences in this excerpt from W. W. Jacobs's "The Monkey's Paw" show that the White family doubts the major's story?"Hold it up in your right hand, and wish aloud," said the Sergeant-Major, "But I warn you of the consequences." "Sounds like the 'Arabian Nights,'” said Mrs. White, as she rose and began to set the supper. "Don't you think you might wish for four pairs of hands for me." Her husband drew the talisman from his pocket, and all three burst into laughter as the Sergeant-Major, with a look of alarm on his face, caught him by the arm. "If you must wish," he said gruffly, "Wish for something sensible." … "If the tale about the monkey's paw is not more truthful than those he has been telling us," said Herbert, as the door closed behind their guest, just in time to catch the last train, "we shan't make much out of it." "Did you give him anything for it, father?" inquired Mrs. White, regarding her husband closely. "A trifle," said he, colouring slightly. "He didn't want it, but I made him take it. And he pressed me again to throw it away." "Likely," said Herbert, with pretended horror. "Why, we're going to be rich, and famous and happy. Wish to be an emperor, father, to begin with; then you can't be henpecked." He darted round the table, pursued by the maligned Mrs. White armed with an antimacassar. Mr. White took the paw from his pocket and eyed it dubiously. "I don't know what to wish for, and that's a fact," he said, slowly. "It seems to me I've got all I want."