Which approach best defines how writers of historical fiction try to appeal to readers?A.by providing an accurate, fact-based picture of history
B.by altering historical facts to rewrite the past
C.by blending historical facts with imaginary characters and plots
D.by introducing characteristics of modern cultures into historical eras


Answer 1
Answer: "C.by blending historical facts with imaginary characters and plots" is the best option from the list, since this allows the writers to created characters that may relate more properly with the reader. 

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Which of the following is an independent clause? Early American writers were mostly men. Although early American writers were mostly men.


The first sentence is complete, it is a sentence that can stand alone. The second one however, is NOT a complete thought. The second sentence needs more information to be a complete sentence. For example we could right..  Although early American writers were mostly men, women had their fair share of writing. So, all that being said, it is the second sentence. :)

Early American writers were mostly men is an independent clause. Correct option is a.

An independent clause is a group of words that can standalone as a complete sentence and express a complete thought. In this case, option a is an independent clause because it forms a complete sentence with a subject ("Early American writers") and a predicate ("were mostlymen"). Option b, on the other hand, is a dependent clause because it starts with the subordinating conjunction "Although," which makes it reliant on an independent clause to form a complete sentence.

To know more about independent clause:



Complete question is:

Which of the following is an independent clause?

a. Early American writers were mostly men.

b. Although early American writers were mostly men.

Which best describes the conflict and resolution between Laocoön and the Trojans?


The conflict between Laocoon and the Trojans was that when the Trojans saw the Greek ships leaving, they thought the war was over.  When they saw the wooden horse, they thought it was a gift and wanted to bring it inside Troy.  Laocoon objected thinking it was a trick but the Trojans disregarded his warning.  Laocoon insisted but Athena had two serpents from the sea attack him and this enabled the Greeks to sneak in and conquer Troy.

What is the main purpose of the following sentence?Special Suds has always outshone the competition.


I believe that the choice we have is between "inform", "persuade", "entertain", etc: and I would say that here the purpose is to persuade. It's not an objective sentence only giving information, rather it tries to persuade people to choose this product over another one.

Which of the following is not a step in the inquiry process?A.) Summary
B.) Observation
C.) Execution
D.) Question


A question is not a step in the inquiry process. Students use the inquiry process to solve problems in an intuitive way. In the inquiry process answers to questions are being found. Thus, option D is correct.

The inquiry procedure typically entails the following four steps: Recognize the issue, Create a plan, Execute the strategy, then take a look back and reflect. The inquiry approach aids in finding answers to questions that are based on observation, carefully planned investigations, and finally drawing conclusions after accumulating all the data.

Even though multiple sources' descriptions of the inquiry process' five fundamental steps—establishing orientation, conceptualization, research, conclusion, and discussion—are included in most sources, they are nonetheless not uniform.

Therefore, option D is the ideal selection.

Learn more about the inquiry process here:



The inquiry process is just that: a process. No one model can encapsulate inquiry-based education and the range it encompasses. We are fully aware of the dangerous line we tread when we try to describe a process that is dynamic; and we must stress that any one description is not the only-or the ideal-model.Our intention is to present some of the important aspects of inquiry that ought to be supported in a successful learning environment. For example, we should remember that inquiry often does-and should-lead to the creation of new ideas. And constructively communicating those ideas within the context of our classroom environments is central to the whole inquiry process.That said, below you will find a basic outline of what the inquiry process includes.

T Object]User: A linguistic tool in which neighboring words begin with the same letter or sound in order to catch the attention of the audience.A. Idiom
B. Alliteration
C. Oxymoron
D. Personification


This effect is called Alliteration.

Oxymoron would be combining things that cannot usually be combined such as bright darkness. An idiom is a cliche often used in speech as a metaphor, while personification is giving inanimate objects human characteristics and behavior.




Which sentence best describes Lizabeth’s development in “Marigolds”?              A.Lizabeth evolves from being a violent person to being a pacifist. B.Lizabeth recognizes that she needs to escape the environment in which she grew up. C.Lizabeth learns that her parents are not happy, so she begins to behave better. D.Lizabeth moves from innocence and ignorance to knowledge and compassion.


The correct answer of the given question above would be option D. The sentence that best describes Lizabeth's development in "Marigolds" is that, Lizabeth moves from innocence and ignorance to knowledge and compassion. She learned that understanding and sympathy is possible by recognizing the truth about other people. Hope this answer helps.