Which two words below are using the hyphen correctly? A. Ex-husband B. Pre-school C. Self-evident D. Re-tell


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is A) Ex-husband.

Hyphens' principal goal is to stick words unitedly. They inform the student that couple or more components in a sentence are connected. Though beyond are laws and procedures dictating hyphens, beyond are more circumstances when journalists must choose either to join them for simplicity.

Answer 2

Ex-husband and self-evident

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2.Presently the boat also passed to the left of the correspondent with the captain clinging with one hand to the keel. He would have appeared like a man raising himself to look over a board fence, if it were not for the extraordinary gymnastics of the boat. The correspondent marvelled that the captain could still hold to it.

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mysteries of life and death

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humanity's helplessness against nature

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Answer: humanity's helplessness against nature

Based on the two different excerpts presented above, the theme that is seen as common to both is man's helplessness against nature. When nature strikes, even the strongest man is eaten by doubts and uncertainties, fear and threat. 

the helplessness of humanity 

How many meanings does the word pretty have? What are they? How is that meaning different from today's use? Which part of the dictionary entry did you use to find the answer?


Final answer:

The word 'pretty' has multiple meanings and can be used as an adjective or an adverb. Its meaning has evolved over time and now includes a sense of elegance or charm.


The word 'pretty' has multiple meanings. It can be used as an adjective to describe something or someone as attractive or pleasing to the eye. It can also be used as an adverb to mean fairly or quite. However, the meaning of 'pretty' has evolved over time.

In today's use, the word 'pretty' is often used to mean more than just attractive. It can also imply a sense of elegance or charm. For example, we might say that a house is 'pretty' to mean that it is not only visually appealing but also has a certain character or style.

The answer to this question can be found by looking at the dictionary entry for the word 'pretty', specifically under the sections for adjectives and adverbs.

Learn more about Meaning of the word 'pretty' here:



Attractive, lovely, good-looking, nice-looking, personable, fetching, prepossessing,appealing, charming, delightful, cute. Today the meaning of pretty is different to everyone. 

In which category does this word belong? prologue You may need to use a dictionary. A. Sound pattern B. Literary device C. Part of a narrative D. Type of narrative



Assonance is the repetition of a certain vowel sound, so it would fit the description of D (sound pattern).


A fable is a type of narrative like a fairytale or story passed down through generations.

What is the importance of writing a draft?A: It is a display of the writer’s skills.
B:It is a framework for the final draft.
C: It is a copy of the final draft.
D: It is a record of the writer’s efforts.


The answer is B.When you write a draft you design your piece of writing.It is a framework of the last version of your composition.Doing so will help as when you are rewriting you might find unwanted expressions, spelling mistakes or other types of errors.Without a draft you might lose the point you want to make and either write too much or not enough to satisfy the purpose of the writing.

it is B: It is a framework for the final draft. Hope this helps

Which of dictionary requires the most frequent updating?A. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage
B. A Dictionary of American-English Usage
C. American Dialect Dictionary
D. Dictionary of American Slang


Dictionary of American Slang would require the most frequent changes because the slang would change as long as the people changed it, however the other dictionaries would not change that frequently, because modern English does not change like modern slang.
"D. Dictionary of American Slang" would require the more frequent updating since slang changes the fasted out of all major language fluctuations--so quickly that sometimes major changes can come about several times in a lifetime. 

True or falseIf you have already mentioned the authors name in your text when paraphrasing you do not need to include it in your in text citation





you still need to include the page or paragraph number.

True hope this helps