Can someone read my essay and say what I have to improve also tell me what I should put for my conclusion. Thank you!“Love Exists”
True love is when you are comfortable with the person you love, can't stop thinking about them, and are willing to give up everything to be with them just the way Romeo and Juliet feel for each other. Romeo and Juliet both give up their family names, and commit suicide so that they can be together. Friar lawrence also truly loves Romeo and therefore he continues warning Romeo about his hasty decisions of love and agrees to marry him to juliet.True love does exists in the play Romeo and Juliet by the well known writer William Shakespeare and is demonstrated by the characters Romeo, Juliet, and Friar Lawrence.

Firstly, Juliet possess true love for Romeo and therefore advises him to “deny thy father and refuse thy name (II,ii,34-35) or if he will not then she is willing to “no longer be a capulet” (II,ii,36). Juliet is in such a deep and true love with Romeo that she is willing to do anything even disown her family name , which at that time held great magnitude because it defined your status in the society. In addition Juliet loves Romeo to such an extent that she understands him fully through out. She answers Romeos proposal before he even proposes to her. Romeo asks her to marry him but in reply from her balcony she says “I gave thy mine before thou didst request it (II,ii,128). Juliet is indeed truly in love with Romeo because she can interpret his intentions and knows what he is headed towards. Only a person you truly love can you understand to such an extent, like Juliet did.
Secondly,true love is also present in Romeo's heart for Juliet because he is also willing to disown his family name and die for her. Juliet tells Romeo when they are at her balcony that his name is keeping them apart so Romeo replies “My name dear saint,is hateful to myself/ Because it is an enemy to thee/ Had it written , I would tear the word (II,ii,55-57). Romeo will disown his family name because it is an enemy to Juliet and anything that is an enemy to her is automatically an enemy to him. He loves Juliet so much that he would declare her enemies his. After hearing the false statement of Juliet’s death, Romeo makes his ultimate decision of suicide. He buys the poison because he can no longer live in the world without his true love Juliet.Romeo reveals his love for Juliet when he promises that he “will lie with her tonight.” Only a person you truly love will you die for because they are precious and meaningful to your life that without their company life is unliveable. n addition Romeo wishes to rather die than then exiled because he does not want to be without Juliet’ love as he says “ My life would be better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love” ( ). In conclusion Romeo does truly love Juliet and will do anything to be with her even if disowning his name or committing suicide will get him any closer.
Lastly Friar Lawrence truly loves Romeo and therefore he keeps on warning him about his hasty decisions of love and agrees to marry him to Juliet the Capulet. He does this in order to bring peace and this was the only way to obtain it. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet even though he can get persecuted for this just so that the two families can stop their feud and have peace for once. He tells Romeo that “for this alliance may so happy prove/To turn your households’ rancour to pure love” (II, iii, 91-92.) Additionally Friar Lawrence holds Romeo very dear and warns him about love. He tells Romeo that “wisely and slow, they stumble that run fast” (II, iii, 94), trying to slow Romeo down so he thinks a hundred percent true love for Juliet. Friar Lawrence cares about Romeo as he does not want him to get into trouble or mess. In conclusion Friar Lawrence did truly love Romeo and decides to marry him to Juliet. This will create peace between the families and also warns him about his life decisions.


Answer 1
Answer: I think you have a lot of retelling, you simply passed the contents of the works of the great Shakespeare. In my opinion, you have to write your personal attitude to the events which were described by the author. Write what you personally felt along with the heroes. You have good speech, but you need more of your emotions, your feelings and your thoughts.
Sorry for the truth.  
Answer 2
Answer: Wow! That was amazing, Since you talked about Romeo and Juliet, some up your essay . you pick your main point is the story, and put that as your conclusion! Looks awesome!:) 

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Hi ^-^

I would say that " the road goes on forever" is a hyperbole because you are exxagerating about the road

Hope this helps!

the road goes forever