Which verb form correctly completes the sentence? Mr. Hernandez, helping students at the end of class, ______ to hand back the term papers. A. forgotten B. forgot C. forgetting D. forget


Answer 1
Answer: "Mr. Hernandez, helping students at the end of class, forgot to hand back the term papers" would be the correct sentence, since "forgot" is a past tense verb and this is describing something that happened in the past.
Answer 2




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So the question is asking to choose among the following choices that first thing that you should do on appraising any of  books that contains the topic that you're researching for, and base on the said question, I would say that the answer would be letter A. examine the index. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more
I would probably say ---A. examine the index.---

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A caesura is a primary accent.
True OR False?


False. A caesura is a complete pause in a verse or a musical composition. It is a brief silent pause during which metrical time is not counted.

The correct answer is False


In language, a primary accent refers to the syllable of a word that is stressed or accented in the case of words with two or more syllables, which is used in poetry as part of the rhythm. On the other hand, the word caesura refers to a break or pause in a verse marked by a comma or similar punctuation mark that usually divides or splits the verse into equal parts and introduces a silence in the middle of it. This means the caesura is not related to the sound of syllables as in the case of primary accents, but a stylistic device used in poetry to create breaks. Considering this, it can be concluded it is false a caesura is a primary accent because a caesura is a pause or break in the verse and it is not related to whether a syllable is accented or not.

What is the principal part of the underlined verb in the sentence? She hangs the posters on the wall.

A.past participle



D.present participle


C. present

Present Simple Tense form:
(+) Subject + Verb 1 (+ s/es) + Object
(–) Subject + do not/does not + Infinitive Verb + Object
(?) Do/does + Subject + Infinitive Verb + Object

Which of the following lists demonstrates various tenses of an irregular verb? A. I walk, I walked, I will walk B. I call, I called, I will call C. I go, I went, I will go D. I try, I tried, I will try


A, B and D are all regular verbs, and the irregular verb is in C: go. You can recognize it by the fact that all the forms look different,  so "go" and "went" are differ  (regular of go would be god,  but this is not correct.