What are some of the examples you have found of government in your daily life?


Answer 1
Answer: these are some examples for you

Public metro systems. Traffic signs - to protect drivers and pedestrians 
Mailbox - to help people communicate, pay bills 
Taxes - to run government programs. 
Grants/stimulus money - creates jobs or gives money

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What is the definition of a gulag?


The gulag is the government agency in charge of the major Soviet forced labour camp system from the 1930s through the 1950s.

The Gulag was a government agency responsible for of the Soviet system of forced labour camps established by Vladimir Lenin's decree, which reached its apex during Joseph Stalin's administration from the 1930s to the early 1950s. English-language speakers also use the term gulag to describe to all of the Soviet Union's forced-labor camps, including those that remained after Lenin's death. The agency's complete official name changed multiple times.

The Gulag was widely regarded as a primary tool of political repression throughout the Soviet Union.

Learn more about Gulag,  here:



the gulag was the Government agency that administered the main soviet forced labor camp system during the the stain from the 1930 until the 1950.