A Russian citizen has illegally obtained a Siberian tiger and is trying to sell the tiger’s fur in the United States. What treaty does this violate?


Answer 1
Answer: CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. 
This treaty, officially in place in 1975, prevents the trade of illegal and endangered species overseas. The treaty covers the sale of wild animals and plants and aims to protect species from a trade that results in a threat to their survival. There is currently 181 parties within the agreement, including the United States.
Answer 2

Answer is cites


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Name two ways water travels from land to enter the ocean



Seepage; runoff


In nature, water is constantly circling: from the water surfaces it evaporates, travels up in the atmosphere, there it condensates, forms clouds, and then again falls to the land and water surfaces. This cycle has been going on for thousands and thousands of years and is known as the water cycle.

Now, the real question is how does the water, fallen from the clouds, on the land, travel back to the oceans.

Soil consists of multiple layers, some are water permeable, and some are not. When water (rain) reaches the soil, through tiny pores in upper permeable layers it will travel downward, deeper and deeper. This process is called the seepage. Upon reaching the water-impermeable layers, it stops, becoming part of what is known the underground water. It will continue to flow on this layer until it finds its way back on the surface, usually in a form of a spring, which will find its way to a river, and river will take that water to a sea or an ocean.

However, if the soil is to saturated with water, especially during long rainy, stormy period, or in the spring, after the snow melts. This excess water will, because of the gravity,  flow over the earth's surface, from higher (mountains) to lower (valley) areas, making its way to some valley river, which will take it further to a sea or an ocean.

Upon reaching the ocean, this land-water can again join the water cycle, again and again.

-Water evaporates and condenses into clouds, then the clouds are blown over the ocean, and it rains.
-Water from a mountain flows down and into a river. The river empties into an ocean.

Why does most of the rain that falls come from the ocean


the majority of evaporation takes place over the ocean

Smallest of the terrestrial planets


The smallest of the terrestrial planets is Mercury. It is the closest planet to the Sun and has a diameter of about 4,879 kilometers.