A poor man has tried every legal means possible to get the medicine that will save his child’s life. He is placed in a situation where it would be easy to steal enough money to purchase the medicine, and he is unlikely to be caught.Which kind of dilemma does this incident represent?






Answer 1

The answer is A: moral dilemma.

A moral dilemma is an ethical problem that makes a person hesitate between two different paths of action illustrated by two exclusive moral imperatives which contradict each other. In this case, the man must either follow the moral imperative to care for his offspring or follow the social mandate and imperative that prohibits stealing, regardless of the consequences.  

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I believe that Eurycleia doesn't want Telemachus to leave because she doesn't want to leave the palace unprotected.
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In order of the questions, the answers are D,C,C,C,A,B,C,D,A,C,C,B,D. the main problems were that there were missing prepositions, a lack of pluralizing nouns, and incorrect verb tenses.

In which sentence does the verb agree with the subject? a. Little Women have been made into at least two major films.
b. The War of the Worlds were written by H.G. Wells.
c. Lord of the Flies deals with many serious themes.


c. since the subject is singular you use deals which is a singular verb
CA would be has beenB would be was written

You want to buy a new TV. The diagonal measure of the screen is 42 inches, and the screen width is 36.6 inches. What is the screen height? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.



Step 1: 36.6^2 + X^2 = 42^2  =  1339.56 + X^2 = 1764

Step 2: 1764 - 1339.56 = 424.44

Step 3: square root of 424.44 = 20.6.  

So the height of the screen is 20.6. Hope that helps! :)


The answer is 20.60 inches.


Plz mark brainliest.

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queen Elizabeth ll. she rebuilt the theater he first acted in in his honor
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