How long did the Roman Republic Last ?


Answer 1
Answer: it lasted until 27 BC I believe 
Answer 2
Answer: Lasted from 509 BC–27 BC

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When a government is facing protests and demonstrations that are supported by a lot of citizens and this spreads it means the territory has lose the consent of the governed. 


consent of the governed


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France had taken over vietnam before the war.


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a. True
b. False


This is true.

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As a result of the Palmer raids hundreds of immigrants were deported
made citizen
encouraged to be part of the communist party
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As the result of Palmer Raids, hundreds of Immigrants were: Deported

The Palmer raid was initiated during the period when American citizens experience a massive anxiety that Communists have penetrated their neighborhood. Because of this anxiety, hundreds of immigrants (especially thos that came from eastern Europe) were forced to be deported.

As a result of the Palmer raids, hundreds of immigrants were deported.  

Further explanation:

The Palmer raid was initiated under the Presidential rule of Woodrow Wilson. The main motive behind this raid was to arrest the leftists that comprised anarchists and communists. Following the arrest, these radical leftists were to be deported to the United States. The focus of this raid were mostly Jewish and Italian immigrants.  

The raids unfolded during the phase of the Red Scare which was a fear of anarchism and bolshevism. A series of raids were organized under the leadership of Attorney General Palmer. The triggering point was the Russian Revolution of 1917 and fearing the same fate, an idea took deep root in the minds of the Americans that if the radicals were allowed to prevail, a similar fate (Russian Revolution) might unfold in America as well. So the raids that were started was favoured by the majority, especially those in power who feared that they might be snatched off their position if a similar situation as Russia erupted in America. Now, had it not been for the bombing by the radicals in April and June 1919 situation in America wouldn't have been as tensed as it was.  

Starting from August 1919, Palmer (along with J. Edgar Hoover) took the task of committing themselves to identifying and capturing all the radical elements who were spreading the fear of Bolshevism. A series of raids were carried on and the Union of Russian Workers was made the target in as many as 12 cities. These raids were followed by a number of arrests and captures.  

A number of raids were also started by the Department of Justice on 2nd of January, 1920. These mega raids were often followed by smaller ones that extended for weeks. As many as 3000 were captured. Often in these cases of arrests, brutality was quite frequently adopted as means.  

Learn more:

1. Which amendment resulted in the incorporation of the bill of rights?

2. which of the following events occurred on the Italian mainland as allied forces moved across the island of Sicily during the summer of 1943?

3. The impact of fur man v. Georgia (1972) was that states had to promise to use the death penalty only with approval from the supreme court. throw out the old Miranda warning and write a new one. agree to throw out all state laws regarding crime and impose national standards. create clear standards to be applied fairly before imposing the death penalty?

Answer details:

Subject: U. S. History

Chapter: Palmer Raids

Grade: High School


Palmer Raids, Presidential rule, Woodrow Wilson, J. Edgar Hoover, Department of Justice, anarchists and communists, radical elements, 3000 captured, April and June 1919, Russian Revolution, favoured by the majority