Ocean tides are the result of -the rotation of earth -the suns gravitational pull on earth -changes in earths orbital position around the sun -differences in bothe the suns and moons gravitational pull on earth


Answer 1
Answer: Ocean tides are the result of differences in the gravitational force between
the sun and the Earth's near side and far side, and ditto for the moon.

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10 advantages and disadvantages of volcanic eruption


Answer: Check Explanation Below :)



1. Probably the most obvious one, forming new layers of land. A volcano erupts lava, magma and rocky particles. Overtime, they melt down forming the land we know today. A great recent example of this is Tonga's hunga tonga–hunga ha'apai eruption.

2. Giving a habitat to plants and animals. Volcano's steep inclines make it a great place for small shrubs and animals to settle, especially ones that can adapt to any environment.

3. Provides sulfur. Despite it smelling terrible, sulfur has many health benefits like releasing protein. It also helps reduce notorious greenhouse gases.

4. Provides sulfur. Similar to the last one, it provides the much needed carbon for plants to survive on it, relating back to the 2nd point. Just like how oxygen is essential for us, carbon dioxide is essential for plants, and volcanoes help with that.

5. Volcano eruptions give fertile soil. This is from the composition of small rocky particles. Along with forming new lands, it forms good fertilization for agricultural purposes.

6. Tourism purposes. Volcanoes are some of the most enjoyed tourism locations. Watching the lava boil and puff up is very delightful.

7. Art purposes. Lava can be molded into all sorts of designs, and factories, companies all take advantage of it and make money off designing.

8. Culture purposes. Volcanoes are part of many pacific islands and countries cultures. It is sacred to them, and should be cherished for future generations.

(I couldn't think of two others) :(


1. They hurt the climate. The volcano does release sulfur and carbon, but the rock and ash particles can cause smoke and air pollution, which can be hard for people with breathing disabilities.

2. It can kill organisms. The volcano full of hot magma, and the smoke, particles and ash all move at a fast speed devouring things far away from them. A recent example is the unfortunate 1980 Mt. St. Helen's eruption is Washington State, USA. An immense number of people and animals died, and the volcano's shape was forever changed.

3. It can cause economic losses. Volcanoes are disastrous to the environment nearby them, and especially in an underdeveloped or developing country, it can cause impacts hard to rebuild. Countries lose billions of dollars of eruptions.

4. It can lead to lifelong health problems. People can fall sick or have bad working body systems as a result of exposure to the eruption.

5. It can lead to other natural disasters. Volcanoes typically lead to tsunamis, earthquakes or landslides after eruption, and that causes way more destruction than before.

6. Less people want to live near a volcano. This is bad because a country will become less livable if it has more volcanoes, and more for only tourism, which will only worsen the economy more.

7. Habitat loss. For the next couple years, if the eruption was severe, that are will be completely unavailable, and could make plants and animals lose their habitats, and make them more endangered.

8. Volcanoes can even ruin other environments. Volcanoes typically lay near forests, and an explosion could trigger a lot of wildfires, creating even more habitat loss.

9. It can increase global warming. Like mentioned the first reason, the other gases and ash particles can worsen global warming. It might release sulfur, but it also releases harmful substances.

(I couldn't think of one other) :(

Hope that helped a lot.


Final answer:

Volcanic eruptions have both advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages include the creation of fertile soil, geothermal energy production, and the formation of new land. However, disadvantages include the destruction of property, loss of life, and the release of harmful gases and ash into the atmosphere.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanic eruptions, while often destructive, can also have some positive effects on the environment and human populations. Here are 10 advantages and disadvantages of volcanic eruptions:


  2. Fertile Soil: Volcanic eruptions release minerals and nutrients into the soil, making it highly fertile for agriculture.
  4. Geothermal Energy: Volcanic activity can be harnessed to produce geothermal energy, a renewable and sustainable source of power.
  6. New Land Formation: Volcanic eruptions can lead to the creation of new islands and landmasses, expanding the Earth's surface.
  8. Mineral Deposits: Volcanic activity can bring valuable minerals and ores closer to the surface, making them more accessible for mining.
  10. Hot Springs: Volcanic activity can create hot springs, which have therapeutic and recreational uses.


  2. Destruction of Property: Volcanic eruptions can cause significant damage to buildings, infrastructure, and communities.
  4. Loss of Life: Eruptions can result in the loss of human and animal lives, especially if people are caught in the path of lava flows or pyroclastic flows.
  6. Ashfall: Volcanic ash can cover large areas, disrupting transportation, damaging crops, and posing health risks.
  8. Climate Effects: Volcanic eruptions can release large amounts of gases and particles into the atmosphere, which can affect global climate patterns.
  10. Volcanic Gases: Eruptions release gases such as sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide, which can be harmful to human health and the environment.

It is important to note that the impacts of volcanic eruptions can vary depending on the specific circumstances and location of the eruption.

Learn more about advantages and disadvantages of volcanic eruptions here:



Earth probably formed _____ years ago, and the first life evolved as early as _____ years ago.


Earth probably formed about 4.5 billion years ago, and the first life evolved as early as 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago.

Earth Formation (4.5 billion years ago): The estimated age of Earth's formation is approximately 4.5 billion years ago. This age is determined through various dating methods, including radiometric dating of rocks and minerals. Earth's formation involved the accretion of dust and gas in the solar nebula, leading to the creation of our planet.

First Life (3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago): The emergence of the first life forms on Earth is a topic of ongoing scientific research and debate. Fossil evidence is scarce due to the ancient age, but the earliest signs of life, such as stromatolites and microfossils, suggest that life may have evolved as early as 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago. These life forms were likely simple, single-celled microorganisms, such as bacteria and archaea, adapted to the extreme conditions of the early Earth, paving the way for the evolution of more complex life forms over time.

To know more about Earth , click here.



4.6 Billion years ago;

3.5 Billion years ago

Low-riding sports cars with rear-mounted engines often use this cylinder arrangement in which the cylinders actually move side to side rather than up and down. A. Horizontally-opposed B. In-line engine C. V-type D. Linear


The correct answer should be A. Horizontally-opposed

They are also known as Boxers or Flat engines

Which measure is not considered when measuring absolute magnitude?Select one of the options below as your answer:a. size
b. brightness
c. volume
d. distance from earth


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "c. volume." The volume is the measure that is not considered when measuring absolute magnitude. Absolute magnitude is the measure of intrinsic brightness of a celestial object. The measures needed are the size, brightness and the distance from earth.