Explain why the phrase in this sentence is nonrestrictive, or nonessential to the sentence: My youngest brother, Julian, is already taller than I am.


Answer 1

The reason why the phrase in the sentence in nonrestrictive can be explained in the following manner:

In the sentence, the phrase "Julian" is nonrestrictive because it can be removed from the sentence without altering its meaning. In other words, it is not essential for the meaning of the sentence and can be left out.

What is a nonrestrictive element?

A nonrestrictive or nonessential element is a sentence is a word, phrase, or clause that provides extra information about another element but is notnecessary for the sentence's meaning.

In "My youngest brother, Julian, is already taller than I am," "Julian" is a nonrestrictive element. It provides the name of the brother, but it can be removed without changing the meaning:

"My youngest brother is already taller than I am."

Learn more about nonrestrictive elements here:


Answer 2
Answer: The brother’s name is not necessary.The writer says “youngest brother.”The writer can have only one youngest brother.

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O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done!
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Leave you not the little spot
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Walk the spot my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.


The correct answer is letter (D) they have both arrived home safely. In lines 19–20, the ship is like the captain in all of the following ways EXCEPT choice D. The captain has not arrived home safely; he has died on the ship. They both achieved their goals, the victor ship.

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A. Sentence 4
B. Sentence 6
C. Sentence 7
D. Sentence 5


A because its talks about volcanoes and not the crust

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "extended metaphor." The literary device does the stanza use to compare the speaker's feelings about the new country to the two swimmers is that it is an extended metaphor.

It is simile on just took the test . The answer would be D

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I believe the answer to be "creativity."


In the story "Leiningen versus the Ants", the main character is a farmer in Brazil. He is warned that a swarm of army ants are on their way and is advised to run away. Leiningen, however, decides to stay and fight. He convinces his men to help him and, even though very injured at the end, he wins.

Throughout the story, Leiningen has to come up with several different solutions. Every time the ants are able to break his defenses, Leiningen must use his creativity to find a new way to defeat them. He uses moats filled with water, then moats filled with petrol and, when everything seems lost, he sees in a dam the solution. By flooding his plantation, he's able to save his men and himself, and avoids losing eveything he had achieved.

Even though power could also be a theme, Leiningen's power seems to come from his creativity. That's why I believe it to be the best answer.

Haven't read that story, but going from the title I am going to say A.

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