What is the role of tone in poetry?a. to provide rhythm.
b. to create images.
c. to enhance a style.
d. to express an attitude.


Answer 1
Answer: Therole of the tone is the poetry is D. to express an attitude.
By simply changing your tone in the poetry, you can give your audience a hint whatattitude you have. The tone plays a very important part of the poetry becausewithout the presence of tone, you will not be able to express your character,it would be hard for you to tell the audience that you are a sarcastic personwithout using your tone as a hint.

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Tear is to sorrow as smile is to joy or happiness.

To tear usually means to be sad, or have sorrow. Smiling is an expression of happiness or joy. 

Hope this helped :) <-- Joy :P

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Which best describes the structure of the poem safari day in kenya


Safari Day in Kenya is written in free verse. As for the structure, it uses rhyming quatrains. Quatrains are groups of four lines. 

The statement best describes the structure of the poem, safari day in kenya is free verse with varied line lengths.

What is Safari Day in Kenya?

This is a poem about safari day in Kenya, Kimani is a character. The animals, are described like hippos, baboons and trees. It is a free verse movies.

The options are attached:

  1. fixed form with a strict rhyme scheme
  2. fixed form with a loose meter
  3. free verse with rhyming quatrains
  4. free verse with varied line lengths

Thus, the correct option is Safari Day in Kenya


Learn more about Safari Day in Kenya



In his “We Choose to Go to the Moon” speech, when John. F. Kennedy states that, “the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension,” he uses this statement to prove that the moon program will not be successful. TRUE


In his “We Choose to Go to the Moon” speech, John. F. Kennedy mentioned the statement above to prove that the moon program will not be successful is true.

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What is the suffix in the word “disqualification


The suffix in the word "disqualification" is "-tion".

A suffix is a morpheme added at the end of a word. Moreover, a suffix generally consists of a group of letters and it makes possible to form new words, also called derived words. In that way, sometimes, suffixes can also change the meaning of a word, add more information to that word and even modify its function. For example, it is possible to transform a verb into a noun just by adding a suffix at the end of a word. Some of the most common suffixes besides "-tion" are "-ed", "-er" and "-ity".

The suffix in the word disqualification is -tion
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PLEASE HELP! In this excerpt from Hard Times by Charles Dickens, which lines include images of the horrors of industrialization? It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it; but as matters stood it was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of a savage. It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, and never got uncoiled. It had a black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with ill-smelling dye, and vast piles of building full of windows where there was a rattling and a trembling all day long, and where the piston of the steam-engine worked monotonously up and down, like the head of an elephant in a state of melancholy madness. … You saw nothing in Coketown but what was severely workful. If the members of a religious persuasion built a chapel there - as the members of eighteen religious persuasions had done - they made it a pious warehouse of red brick, with sometimes (but this is only in highly ornamental examples) a bell in a birdcage on the top of it. The solitary exception was the New Church; a stuccoed edifice with a square steeple over the door, terminating in four short pinnacles like florid wooden legs. Answer choices: (Note, more than one sentence can be selected) A. it was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of a savage. B. serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, and never got uncoiled. C. black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with ill-smelling dye. D. If the members of a religious persuasion built a chapel there - as the members of eighteen religious persuasions had done - they made it a pious warehouse of red brick, with sometimes (but this is only in highly ornamental examples) a bell in a birdcage on the top of it. E. The solitary exception was the New Church; a stuccoed edifice with a square steeple over the door, terminating in four short pinnacles like florid wooden legs.