How do contact forces such as friction differ from gravitational and magnetic forces?


Answer 1
Answer: "Contact" means "touching".  A contact force can't act on an object unless
they're touching. Friction is a contact force.

Gravitational forces pull masses together even if they're not touching.
Magnetic forces pull a piece of iron toward a magnet even if they're not touching.

Gravitational and magnetic forces are "non-contact" forces.

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density = mass / volume

*mass must be in grams and volume must be in liters
With mass and volume!! Hope this helped!!

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In a series circuit, there is only one possible path from one battery
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In a parallel circuit, there are different possible paths.  On its way
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Here is the answer.


The answers are:

1. Diffraction

2. Refraction

3. Reflection

Hope this helps!

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S waves travel slower than P waves.

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Ocean levels are not greatly affected because when water is deposited or received from the ocean, at the same time water is being evaporated from the ocean to condense in the clouds and them form into precipitation.

Two reasons:

1).  Because oceans are big and deep, and have a lot of water in them,
while by comparison, rivers are narrow, shallow, and carry less water.
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The level of the water in the pool doesn't change much.

2).  Because the sun shines on oceans, and tons of water evaporates
from them.  That's where the water comes from to make rain and snow,
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It's a cycle.  The same water flows into the oceans from the rivers,
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How do whales bats and dolphins use echolocation?A To scare away predators
B To attract mates
C To orient them selves and find food
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C is your answer ithink
I think ur answer is c