How do you think Big Bend National Park got its name


Answer 1
Answer: It's from it's big bend from the mexico boarder from the Rio Grande 

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Why treaty of versailles made ww2


the treaty of versailles did not start wolr war two, it was the peace treaty that put an end to the first worl war. it was signed the 28th of june, 1919, which is exactly 5 years after the assasination of franz ferdinand (which many people claim was the trigger of world war one)
You can say that the treaty of Versailles caused WW2, as it was humiliating for Germany, and contributed to Germany's poor economic condition in the following years.

Germans seeked revenge, and some blamed Jews for defeat. Hitler used those emotions to create a strong movement which "had all the answers" for mentioned problems.

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Please help I've been stuck on this question for a whileMark the statement if it accurately describes European history and geography.

The Alps are mountains that made Napoleon’s invasion of Italy easy.

The English Channel helped protect the island nation of Britain from invasion.

Corsica is a small island in the Mediterranean Sea.

The Congress of Vienna redrew the map of Europe to increase the size of the French Empire.

Spain and Portugal form the Iberian Peninsula.


-A: Inaccurate. Napoleon entered Italy in 1796 closer to the coast than the Alps. However, the mountains could be said to have protected his northern flank.
-B: True in 1940 against Germany in the Operation Sealion, But False in 1066 in the Invasion By William the Conquerer in the Battle of Hastings. 
-C: Almost True. Corsica is in the Mediterranean Sea but isn't Small. it have a land area of about 8500 square kilometers and is the fourth largest
-D: Wrong. The objective was to return boundaries to the situation that existed before the Napoleonic Wars.
-E: Almost True, but don't forget Gibraltar 

What are characteristics of the Athenian democracy?


Here some flash cards that might help you if you want to study more.:) 
my answer would be
The characteristics of Athenian democracy were that every man that had sufficient money could get to vote; women, children and slaves were not allowed. They also split up into 10 tribes with 50 councilmen in each, therefore, creating a 500 man council. They also created a complex system of courts sometimes consisting of up to 6000 men. 
The Athenian democratic system was made of 6 different roles. 
1. The assembly: a regular gathering of male Athenian citizens to listen, discuss and to vote on decrees that would affect everyday life. It was the most central and definitive institution of Athenian democracy. 
2. The Council: Made up of 500 members, 50 from each of the 10 tribes, to form the full time government. Each member would only serve for a year. Its main function was to prepare for meetings of the assembly.
3. The committee 
4.The president 
5. The magistrates 
6. The courts 
Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!! :)

What reasons did confederate deserters have for leaving?(from passage The Meeting At Appomattox)


the confederate was the south they wanted slavery and the union didn't so the south left the union to form the confederate stats of America

Please help me I’m too dumb to answer these ;-;



1) popular sovereignty

2) deportation

3) search warrant


The definition of popular sovereignty is power vested in the people. Deportation is a common punishment of immigrants.

A search warrant is necessary to legally search a person's property.

Who did the dynastic cycle and mandate of heaven tied together


A dynasty's right to be in control and the become the new rulers because Heaven had given them it over the previous dynasty which fell out of favor with Heaven. It started with around the time of the warring states period with the Zhou. If I'm understanding the context of the question.