Which sentence uses periods correctly?a. Mr A L. Williams wrote the newspaper article.
b. Mr.
a. L. Williams wrote the newspaper article.
c. Mr
a. L. Williams wrote the newspaper article.
d. Mr.
a. L Williams wrote the newspaper article.


Answer 1
Answer: (A) would be the answer if the person who wrote the the newspaper articles name was Mr. Al.. If A L was all part of his name that would be right sort of like AJ. That's one name its all together 
Answer 2
Answer: Answer B is the correct one- Mr A. L. Williams wrote the newspaper article

Related Questions

Rewrite this sentence using a reciprocal pronoun.After winning the game, Sherman congratulated Truman and Truman congratulated Sherman.
Select all that apply.With which themes did Roman comedy mainly deal? political intrigue love misunderstanding mistaken identity deception
In a work of fiction, where is the best place to look for supporting details that indicate the theme?
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In which sentence does the hyphen correctly divide a word? A. Hurricanes and severe storms can de- stroy people's property. B. Hurricanes and severe storms can dest- roy people's property. C. Hurricanes and severe storms can des- troy people's property.

Which best describes why plagiarism can have legal consequences, such as lawsuits and fines?


Because you are taking what one writer said and using it in your own words. you can be sued for it if you try to puplish something that isnt your words and be kicked out of school when writting a paper and not properly citing something


C. Considered a form of stealing on edg 2021


The language used by the author in a story is called


Base on the question that is asking to identify the language that is used by the author in a story and base on mu further investigation and research, I would say that the answer would be a Figurative Language. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more if you have question

The language used by the author in a story is called DICTION.

Diction can be defined as style of speaking or writing, determined by the choice of words by a speaker or a writer.

Proper diction in fundamental to get the message properly. for instance, the wrong choice of words could easily divert listeners or readers, which leads to misinterpretation of the message sought to be conveyed.

Carefully read the following sentence: “________, the grounds of the college campus were blanketed with a layer of red and gold leaves.” Which of the following phrases best completes the sentence with a dependent clause? [L.9-10.1.b] A. “Last autumn” B. “Trees dropped their leaved in autumn and” C. “The wind whipped through the trees” D. “When the trees dropped their leaves in autumn”


D. When the trees dropped their leaves in autumn.

"When the trees dropped their leaves in autumn, the grounds of the college campus were blanketed with a layer of red and gold leaves."
 “last autumn________, the grounds of the college campus were blanketed with a layer of red and gold leaves.” 

In “Those Winter Sundays,” the narrator’s recalls his life at home as a child as anything but pleasant. However, when looking back years later, he realizes: a)
His father was an inconsiderate, selfish person.

His father may have been harsh, but he acted out of duty and love.

His father wasn’t really his father at all.

His father had many secrets hidden from the family.


Answer: b) His father may have been harsh, but he acted out of duty and love. 

The speaker's father has unique ways of showing love to his family. He was working all week to provide for the family but may be strict in house rules that his child was against it. The speaker then realized that everything his father did was for their benefit.

The way the author feels about a subject is called theA. tone.
B. mood.
C. purpose.
D. structure.


The correct answer is A. Tone.

The tone of the author represents what he thinks of the story he is telling. Tone can also usually help decide on the meaning. An example would be if you analyzed Lord of the Rings using a different tone, you might get a story where the main characters are actually evil, while Sauron is a good guy. 

A. tone is the answer :)))

Use context clues from the sentence below to determine the meaning of the word deficits. Governments finance deficits by borrowing money. not enough money physical handicaps low scores


Deficits means not enough money.

not enough money is your answer

Other Questions
While many people might scoff at the very concept, light pollution is fast becoming a serious problem. Light pollution most commonly occurs when the beam of a high-wattage fixture is aimed toward the sky. When a spotlight is used to illuminate statues or buildings, for example, some of the light falls on its intended target, while the rest of the light beam is left to scatter into thin air. The result is an effect called urban sky glow, which is essentially a giant shroud of misdirected light that hangs over a city in the night sky. While some may find this phenomenon picturesque when seen from an airplane, it is the reason why only the very brightest stars are visible to citizens of urban environments. As light pollution continues to increase, it is entirely possible that future generations of city dwellers will not be able to see any stars at all.Humans are not the only victims of light pollution; some wildlife species are adversely affected as well. Nocturnal animals such as owls and bats are driven from their own habitats when excessively bright lighting is introduced to these areas. As the growing amount of light pollution causes the habitats of nocturnal creatures to shrink, they will have a more difficult time finding food and breeding successfully. This will inevitably result in a serious population decline unless something is done to keep light pollution in check. Light pollution is a prime example of how most humans habitually consume energy without any consideration of the consequences. It is time that we stop turning a blind eye to the state of the world around us. Working to reduce light pollution is the perfect place to start. Is it truly necessary to have fifty spotlights illuminating trees on a corporate lawn? Is it essential for a restaurant that closes at midnight to have a flashing neon sign operating around the clock? Was the new outlet mall's grand opening only a success because of the two-megawatt searchlights that hurtled their beams at the stars? Nothing is gained from such blatant waste of light energy. What is the main idea of this essay? A. diminishing visibility of stars in the night sky B. effects of human encroachment on habitats of wild animals C. effects of high-wattage lights in urban areas D. use of bright lights in promotion and advertisement