What country started the slave trade with Africa


Answer 1
Answer: Europe started slave trade with africa

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The answer would be C. Ecotourism
I am not a whole 100% sure on that though

True or false hammurabis code showed that not all people were treated equally in Babylon



True, the hammurabis code showed that not all people were treated equally in Babylon


It did, because it mentioned slavery, whish shows not all people were treated equally, if this were true there would be no slavery.  This was also true because the penalties depended on the status of the one who broke the law, which denotes partiality, so not all people were treated the same.


True, the hammurabis code showed that not all people were treated equally in Babylon


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I think ur answer would be C but I'm not sure so I'm going to ask u what u think


D) remove capitalist impulses from the population and reenforce communist doctrine


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The answer to item above is: The role of ancestry in the traditional religion of Ghana is to make sure that the families remain bonded and loyal to each other. The support of family ancestors ensures progress of their area or their lineage. They organize events or happenings that will renew and strengthen the relationships with their ancestors.

How did the Minoans develop wealth?


They prospered through trade. The sea was dangerous to their wealth and survival. The Minoans were involved in the tin trade, dangerous in the Bronze Age. Tin, alloyed with copper which may have come from Cyprus, was used to make bronze. They dealt in saffron reaped from a kind of crocus.

The Minoans, an ancient civilization that thrived on the island of Crete from approximately 2700 BCE to 1450 BCE, developed wealth through a combination of factors including trade, agriculture, and their control over key resources.

How the Minoans develop wealth?

Trade: The Minoans were skilled seafarers and engaged in extensive maritime trade. They established trade networks throughout the Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, and beyond. They exported valuable commodities such as pottery, textiles, olive oil, wine, and luxury goods like precious metals, jewelry, and gemstones. The Minoans' strategic location on Crete allowed them to control important trade routes, contributing to their economic prosperity.

Agriculture: The Minoans were successful agriculturalists, utilizing advanced farming techniques. They cultivated crops such as wheat, barley, grapes, olives, figs, and various vegetables. They also raised livestock, including sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle. The fertile soil and favorable climate of Crete supported their agricultural endeavors, ensuring a steady food supply and surplus for trade.

Resource Control: The Minoans had access to valuable natural resources on Crete, which contributed to their wealth. They controlled rich metal deposits, particularly copper and tin, used in bronze production. They also had access to timber, essential for construction and shipbuilding, as well as various mineral resources.

Learn more about Minoans  at




What was the significance of the Peninsular Campaign?


A major union offensive against the confederate capitol of richmond led by george b mcClellan  
Well the first significance was that General Joseph E. Johnston was wounded at the battle of Seven Pines/Fair Oaks. This allowed Jefferson Davis to replace him with Robert E. Lee in command of what he would later re-christen the Army of Northern Virginia.