Compare drama to other literary genres. For example, how does drama compare to film? Give specific examples to support your answer.


Answer 1
Answer: Drama is a literary genre that shares many of its features with other forms of literature, for example, film, short stories and novels. The difference between drama and a novel is that a novel is read by a reader. A drama is performed by actors on a stage in front of an audience. The actors portray their characters by speaking the dialogue and wearing costumes etc. An example of a play is "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. An example of a novel is "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini.The difference between a drama and a film is that a drama is enacted in front of a live audience. An example of a film is "The Bourne Identity". A film is pre-recorded and shown to an audience after it has been edited. Screenplays of novels are often written and filmed. A good example of this is the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. 
Answer 2

The primary objective of all literary genres, including drama, film, prose, and poetry, is to present a story or concept that explores or explains the truth about human experience to the audience or readers. The common elements between these genres are plot, theme, setting, characters, and dialogue.

Dramas are written to be performed in front of an audience, whereas prose, poetry, and short stories are usually meant to be read. Sometimes poems, short stories, and excerpts from prose texts are recited before a group of people (such as at readings at a bookstore or literary event), but that is unlike performing dramas. Dramas also differ from films. While drama is a live performance of a story in front of an audience, a film is a recorded performance of a story that is screened at a movie theater or on TV.

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Which verb is progressive?

does rise


will rise

had been rising


D. had been eating.

Explanation: Progressive form is used to express continuing action. Notice that the word "eating" ends with -ing. -Ing is used to show continuing action.

The type of progressive verb here is a past perfect progressive. 

Hope I helped! :)

The progressive verb is "had been rising"  it is D. :)

Identify the sentence that is NOT in logical order."On Sunday, March 4, of that year, President James K. Polk was scheduled to leave office at noon. He refused to be sworn in on a Sunday, and insisted on waiting until the next day. Zachary Taylor, the newly elected president, was supposed to take over. There was just one problem—Zachary Taylor was a very religious man."

My answer choices are:

A- He refused to be sworn in on a Sunday, and insisted on waiting until the next

B- On Sunday, March 4, of that year, President James K. Polk was scheduled to leave office at noon.

C- There was just one problem—Zachary Taylor was a very religious man.



The correct answer would be the option C. There was just one problem—Zachary Taylor was a very religious man. This sentece should be the second sentence. It should read like this. "On Sunday, March 4, of that year, President James K. Polk was scheduled to leave office at noon.There was just one problem—Zachary Taylor was a very religious man. . . ." and so on, in the normal order.
The answer is C. It is because that is what I think is not a logical order.

What is the best strategy for organizing an essay to describe events in time sequence? order of importance spatial chronological comparison and contrast'


The correct answer is C. Chronological


In texts including essays information can be organized following different patterns, most common patterns include order of importance in which information is organized from important details to minor details; comparison and contrast in which two or more elements are analyzed to find the differences and similarities; spatial organization in which details are organized according to space and chronological organization in which information is organized according to time. Additionally, to this, the pattern of organization used mainly depends on the purpose of the writer and the information to be included.

Considering this, in the case someone wants to describe events in time sequence the best strategy for organizing the information is "chronological" as in this type of pattern or strategy information is organized according to dates, historical periods and in general terms according to time, which allows the writer to understand the way events are organized and evolve; therefore, this type of strategy would help someone to describe events in time sequence or in chronological order.

the best way to organize something dealing with time would be chronological!

Which of the following would NOT be an example of a “Place and Object” myth?A. The constellations
B. The origin of lightning
C. The fountain of youth
D. The holy grail


The Origin of Lightning is not  an example of a “Place and Object” myth. Option B is correct.

Place and object myths refers to sacred object or places such as Camelot, the Golden Fleece, and the Holy Grail.

A myth is defined as a traditional story, particularly one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

B. the origin of lightning is not an example

hope i helped

What is the effect of the Prologue on the play's viewers? A. It builds their suspense about what will happen to the main characters. B. It gives them practice in paraphrasing Shakespeare's language. C. It challenges them to solve a mystery. D. It helps them imagine the play's setting.


In a play a Prologue is used to introduce the time period, setting and normally leads up to events.

What answer best resembles the definition of a prologue?

A. Although a prologue can build up suspense that's not all it does. 

B. Although it does give you practice to paraphrase that's not all it does.

C. Although hints of a mystery to be solved are included in some prologues that;s not the best answer.

D. This is the best answer. A prologues main goal is to help the viewer/ reader imagine the setting and time period that the play takes place in.