What Is the Difference Between Imagery and Metaphor?


Answer 1
Answer: Imagery is where you are painting like a photo in the readers head and metaphor is comparing 2 things without using like or as 
Answer 2

metaphor is using like or as imagery is like your inside a picture for example the person reaing it sees a scensery detail they re able to picture it in their head

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The correct answer is D, where demos in Greek means people, and democracy is the rule of people, where people get to decide.

Final answer:

The correct root of the word 'democracy' is 'dem' which stands for 'people'. Democracy is derived from the Greek words 'demos' meaning 'people' and 'Kratos' meaning 'power' or 'rule', symbolizing 'rule by the people'.


Among the options given, the correct root of the word democracy is 'dem' which means people.

Democracy is a form of government where the power lies with the people. It's derived from the Greek words 'demos' meaning 'people' and 'Kratos' meaning 'power' or 'rule'.

So, when combined, democracy means 'rule by the people'. Therefore, in the term democracy, 'dem' stands for people, not government, right, or law.

Learn more about the Root of democracy here:



Which sentence has a compound subject and a compound predicate? Tom cleaned and mopped the floor. Tom and Harry cleaned the floor. Tom and Harry cleaned and mopped the floor. Tom and Harry mopped the floor. Harry cleaned and mopped the floor.



The sentence that has a compound subject and a compound predicate is the following one: Tom and Harry cleaned and mopped the floor.


On the one hand, a compound subject is a subject made up of two simple subjects which are joined by a coordinating conjunction (and/or) and have the same predicate. In this case, the predicate is also compound. A compound predicate is two or more verbs or verb phrases that share the same subject and are joined by a conjunction. The compound subject is "Tom and Harry" and the compound predicate is "cleaned and mopped".

Tom and Henry (compound, 2 subjects) cleaned and mopped (compound, 2 predicates) the floor.

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A: Helen.


Helen of Troy, one of the most intriguing and famous of literary characters to have ever been created, is said to have been wooed and stolen by Paris to be taken to Troy. Menelaus, her husband, infuriated by this, set to recover her wife and revenge his honor, thus starting the Trojan War, most famously recounted in Homer´s Iliad.

A. Helen of Troy was blamed for starting the Trojan war. I hope this helped :)

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b. isn't
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b. crisis
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b. fameous
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a. They don’t never have chocolate.
b. I didn’t get two scoops.
c. Vanilla is not my favorite.
d. Ice cream is delicious.
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a. Change the letter y to i and add -es.
b. Add -s.
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b. singular
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a. funny.
b. fable.
c. fury.
d. feast.
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Reign and _____are homophones.
a. govern
b. rule
c. rein
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b. we had tickets to the game
c. although we had tickets to the game
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a. antonyms
b. synonyms
c. homophones
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a. cost + -ly
b. fear + -ing
c. shop + -er
d. limit + -ed
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a. dress
b. dress’s
c. dresses’
d. dress’
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Tripping and trembling they traipsed through the trees.
a. onomatopoeia
b. alliteration
c. simile
d. personification
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a. synonyms
b. antonyms
c. homophones
18. Which of the following sentences does not contain a double negative?
a. Jason ain’t scarcely well.
b. Jason isn’t scarcely well.
c. Jason is scarcely never well.
d. Jason is scarcely well.
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After the recent rainstorm, several neighbors decided to fix their leaking _____
a. rooves.
b. roofs.
c. roofes.
d. roof’s.
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a. to make their readers laugh
b. to make the stories longer for their readers
c. to confuse their readers
d. to capture the interest of their readers
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a. all of the above
b. replace + -ing
c. replace + -ment
d. replace + -able
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For which of the following do you not need to double the final consonant before adding the suffix?
a. commit + -ing
b. commit + -ed
c. commit + -ment
d. commit + -ee
23. The figure of speech that gives objects and animals human characteristics is called _____
a. onomatopoeia.
b. simile.
c. alliteration.
d. personification.


These are a lot of question on one thread but I'm going to try and answer them all. Some of the I cannot explain so you're just going to have the answers.


1. Felipe never had any interest in playing basketball.


2. happy + -ness

In this case, it's going to be happiness where you remove “y” and add “i”.


3. homophones.

Homophones are, for example: ate, eight.


4. Too much cheese isn't good for your diet.


5. crisis

All of the others are plural. I don't think crisis has any plural form.


6. fameous

It's going to be famous.


7.  They don’t never have chocolate.

The double negative is don't never which means: do not never


8. Add -s.

You just have to add s to make holiday plural. Like this: holidays.


9. singular


10. Frenzy is a synonym for fury.


11. Reign and rein are homophones.


12. Although we had tickets to the game.

13. antonyms

Meagerand ample are two opposites.


14. shop + -er

This way: shopp + -er = shopper.


15. dress’s


16. alliteration

In this sentence, they’re using the alphabet t repeatedly. “Tripping and trembling they traipsed through the trees.


17. synonyms

Remorse and regret are same or almost similar words.


18. Jason is scarcely well.


19. After the recent rainstorm, several neighbors decided to fix their leaking roofs.


20. The writers use the figurative language to capture the interest of their readers.


21. replace + -ing

Like this: replac + -ing = replacing


22. commit + -ment

You don’t have to double the alphabet t for the word commitment.


23. The figure of speech that gives objects and animals human characteristics is called simile.

Example: Sarah is as brave as a lion. In this case, Sara and lion are predicate nouns.







They don't never have chocolate.

Change the y to i and add es.

Singular Possessive



He bought tickets to the game.






Jason is scarcely never well.


To capture the interest of their readers




And that's all twenty-three questions answered

Which sentence has a misplaced adjective phrase? A.The chair needs to be repaired with a broken leg.

The pig with the spots snorted several times.

She took a photograph of the towering skyscraper.

They bought a map of downtown Seattle.


It is option A.The chair needs to be repaired with a broken leg.

It says that the chair was repaired using a broken leg, which is not logical.

The right sentence should read : "The chair with a broken leg needs to be repaired". That is very logical.
I think it would be C. But I am not sure.