What is 3a b2 b3 4b2 4 5a identify like terms


Answer 1
Answer: like terms: 3a and 5a, b2 b3, 4b2 is by it self. answer 8a+b5+4b2

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Why AA batteries run exactly 1.5V?


They don't.

Just for you, I pulled seven (7) AA cells out of a fresh pack from the
store, taped them down to my desk, collected a few other things,
and made these measurements:

AA Cell     Open     at 25 mA     Calc int R, Ω   
     #1         1.596      1.546                  3.285
     #2         1.601      1.551                  3.285
     #3         1.598      1.539                  3.876
     #4         1.578      1.548                  1.971
     #5         1.600      1.539                  4.008
     #6         1.598      1.526                  4.730
     #7         1.600      1.547                  3.482

The (open/unloaded) voltage of the cell is determined by
the cell's "chemistry" ... the actual chemicals and metals
it's constructed from ... that undergo the chemical reaction
to deliver current between the terminals when a conductor
is connected there.

-- The variation in voltage among these 7 cells is about  1.44% .

-- The variation in the internal resistance of these cells ... an
indication of how much current (amps) a cell can deliver ...
varies over a range of almost 140% .  I am surprised.

 We all run into a situation whenbatteries in our remotes, toys, keyboards/mice run out. If we don't know how tocheck a battery we might throw out a perfectly fine battery (especially when wehave a pile of them somewhere in the drawer).  

This electronics tip has to deal with checking common alkaline AA/AAA batteriesor AA/AAA rechargeable batteries for proper voltage with a voltmeter.

Disclaimer : some people might say that a battery should always be tested underload but I have found that in most common household applications this isinsignificant and will not change the results of the testing too much. 

What kind of telescope uses only lenses?


A refracting telescope is a type of optical telescope that uses a lens as its objective to form an image.

What is a telescope?

Astronomers use a telescope to observe distant things. Curved mirrors are used by the majority of telescopes, including all large telescopes, to collect and concentrate light from the night sky.

Refracting telescopes have been used for centuries and are still commonly used today, especially for viewing bright objects such as the Moon and planets.

However, they have some limitations compared to other types of telescopes, such as difficulty in making large lenses without distortion and the tendency to produce chromatic aberration, which can cause images to appear blurred or discolored.

Despite these limitations, refracting telescopes remain popular among amateur astronomers and are still used in many scientific applications.

Learn more about telescopes here:



Refracting telescope

Imagine that you are baking brownies for a bake sale at school. Which of the following pans is least likely to cause you to burn the bottoms of your brownies?a glass pan, an aluminum pan, a cast iron pan or a copper pan


glass will work the best

Describe how Rutherford's experiments changed the accepted scientific model of the atom.I need to know ASAP Thanks


Rutherford's experiment conclude that: atoms are not solid, atoms are hollow and most of the space is vacuum and the positive charge in an atom is not spread evenly .

What is conclusion of  Rutherford's experiment?

Rutherford's observations lead him to draw the following conclusions:

  1. Most of the space in an atom is unoccupied since a significant portion of the -particles bombarded towards the gold sheet went through the sheet without any deflection.
  2. Because some of the -particles were somewhat deflected by the gold sheet, the positive charge in an atom is not spread evenly. An atom's positive charge is confined to a very small volume.
  3. Only a few of the -particles had deflection angles that were nearly 180 degrees, meaning that very few of the -particles were deflected back. As a result, in relation to the total volume of an atom, the positively charged particles' volume is extremely small.

Learn more about Rutherford's experiment here:



Rutherford's model of the atom (ESAAQ) Rutherford carried out some experiments which led to a change in ideas around the atom. His new model described the atom as a tiny, dense, positively charged core called a nucleus surrounded by lighter, negatively charged electrons.

To calculate power, divide the amount of energy transferred by...?


Fairly simple...the answer is time.

Power, as you should have learned in your class, is a rate; it needs to be multiplied by time to get the amount of energy 

Thus, your answer...time.

To calculate power, divide the amount of energy transferred by time.

Final answer:

Power in physics is the rate of energy transferred per unit time. It can be calculated by dividing the amount of energy transferred by the time required for the transfer.


In Physics, power is defined as the rate of transferring energy or the amount of energy per unit time. If you want to calculate the power, you take the amount of energy transferred and divide it by the time it takes for that transfer to occur. For example, if a light bulb transfers 100 joules of energy over 10 seconds, the power would be 100 joules divided by 10 seconds, which equals to 10 watts.

Learn more about Power here:



Can someone please help me with this question?


The answer is B because, the farther the goes the speed starts to decrease and stops it depends on the frequency of the wave.