You should always end your presentation by giving your contact information. Here are the choices


Answer 1

The correct answer is False


A presentation is a communicative situation in which a speaker explains or speaks to a group of people (audience) about some situation or topic. Presentations can have different purposes (inform, narrate, explain or persuade) and can focus on almost any kind of topic. Additionally, it is common the organization of content in presentations varies according to the topic or speaker, but in general terms a presentations includes an introduction, in which the speaker introduces himself and the topic, a development of the topic and a conclusion or closure in which the speaker provides the final ideas of the topic and in some cases provide contact information in case the audience is interested in knowing more about the topic or the speaker itself.

However, this is not a common situation in most presentations and the speaker is only required to provide contact information in academic events or similar formal situations or this information can be provided at the beginning of the presentation. Thus, it is not true "you should always end your presentation by giving your contact information" because this type of information is not a must in all presentations and does not necessarily needs to be provided at the end.

Answer 2
Answer: false
it is unnesscary and not needd

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1. anxiety2. anxious
3. apparition
4. appendix
5. applicable
6. apprehend
7. apprehensive
8. apprentice
9. apprise
10. aristocracy
11. arrogant
12: artisan
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14. assent
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16. assimilate
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1. apprentice (basically someone who follows a worker at work on their trade to learn how to do it, like a young chef following an experienced one to learn to cook)

2. anxious (kinda nervous, afraid of what's going to happen)

3. apprise (inform, tell someone)

4. arrogant (self-centered, full of ego about yourself)

5. asterisk*

* that symbol I just used. People put it in text to lead you to another part of the text and read it.

6. astrologer (someone who studies astrology, space and stars and stuff)

7. aster (type of flower)

8. assert (to claim, talk about stuff)

9. apparition (ghost)

10. aristocracy (higher class of people, rich)

hope this helped :))

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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. Nemo agrees to let Aronnax and his friends return to land." when Nemo sinks the English ship, Nemo agrees to let Aronnax and his friends return to land.

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the 5th amendment protects a person against self-incrimination.
usually in a criminal case


Self incrimination


What does this excerpt from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night imply about Olivia?VALENTINE: So please my lord, I might not be admitted,
But from her handmaid do return this answer:
The element itself, till seven years' heat,
Shall not behold her face at ample view;
But like a cloistress she will veiled walk,
And water once a-day her chamber round
With eye-offending brine: all this to season
A brother's dead love, which she would keep fresh
And lasting in her sad remembrance.

A.) Olivia has decided to join a nunnery and give up all material attachments.
B.) Olivia has decided to cut herself off from all social interactions.
C.) Olivia has decided to keep her brother’s memory alive by weeping continually.
D,) Olivia has decided to remain single and not take a suitor.


C. Olivia has decided to keep her brother's memory alive by weeping continually.

In the text it states that she will "water once a-day her chamber round With eye-offending brine". The water she is talking about is her tears. Brine is salty water, and tears are salty. It is also customary when mourning a loved one to wear a veil to protect women from being seen during their time of grief. The text also says that she is doing "all this to season A brother's dead love, which she would keep fresh". This refers to her wishing to keep her brother's memory alive.


What this excerpt from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night implies about Olivia is that Olivia has decided to remain single and not take a suitor.


The context of this excerpt shows the decision of Olivia after her brothers' death, she has decided not to love anyone for seven years, which makes her refuse to the offer of any suitor, and isolate herself to mourn the death of her brothers, this makes then Valentine not admitted as he says, for those seven years of grief.